Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Little Ducklings Never Had It So Good

Every summer for the past several years, a mommy duck comes and lays her eggs and hatches her little ducklings in our church courtyard.  For some time, I’ve wondered why this courtyard would be the spot that the mommy duck would pick.  Oh sure, the little ducklings get to know Jesus here—their knowledge of Scripture is phenomenal…for ducks—but still, the question has remained:  Why this location?

This year the mommy duck’s decision has made perfect sense.  (Yes, the mommy duck made an intentional “decision”.  If you’ll just go along with me, this will be easier and soon we’ll be done.)

It all makes sense now because of Ann.  Those little ducklings have been wonderfully loved and cared for by Ann, the woman who maintains our courtyard.  Ann comes at least once every day—but usually several times—to look in on the little ones.  She brings them food.  She cleans out their water ponds.  She fights off any lions or bears that get into the courtyard looking for the ducklings.  (They better not mess with her ducklings or they’re in a heap-o-big trouble!)  Ann has set up several swimming areas for them including a nice purple wading pool that’s located right next to the flat screen TV.

It’s been a few weeks, now, since we’ve seen the mommy duck.  When I tell people this they get mad.  They say, “She’s a bad mother.”  Or, “what’s wrong with her, leaving those cute little ducklings to fend for themselves, shame on her!”  And then they say, “Those poor little ducklings,” as a tear rolls down their cheek.

But I say, “No. No.  Don’t worry.  Those ducklings have a much better mommy than that irresponsible mommy duck.  They have Ann.  Believe me, it’s a much better deal for them.”

I can’t wait till their feathers come in.  It’s going to be cool watching Ann take them up on the roof and teach them to fly.

*NOTE:  By the way, if you have some free time later this evening and could come by and help, we would appreciate it.  Ann is having the ducks’ media center delivered and some of the boxes are pretty heavy.

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