Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reading Recommendations -- Love God With Your Mind

I administer a Facebook page titled: "Love God And Love Others...The Greatest Commandment". Recently, I wrote a post on that page regarding the subject of loving God with our minds. In response to that post, I received a request for some reading recommendations. Well...since I typed up a list, I figured I might as well publish it here, too. Hey, if I'm going to type, I want to get some use out of it! Here are some books that I highly recommend…

Total Truth, Nancy Pearcey
TruFaced, Thrall, McNicol and Lynch
Crazy Love, Francis Chan
Revolution Within, Dwight Edwards
Boundaries, Cloud & Townsend
How People Grow, Cloud & Townsend
Why I Still Believe, Joe Boot
What’s So Great About Christianity?, Dinesh D’Souza
The Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer
Can Man Live Without God?, Ravi Zacharias
Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
Messy Spirituality, Mike Yaconelli
The Long Journey Home, Os Guinness

These books are all outstanding, in my opinion, but not all for the same reasons.  Some are a little bit weightier than others but I believe they are all accessible.

If you are specifically interested in the subject of “leadership” here are a few recommendations…

Spiritual Leadership, Henry & Richard Blackaby
Good To Great, Jim Collins
Deep Change, Robert E. Quinn
Building The Bridge As You Walk On It, Robert E. Quinn
Leadership and Self-Deception, The Arbinger Institute
Spiritual Leadership, J. Oswald Sanders
Integrity, Henry Cloud
The Emotionally Healthy Church, Peter Scazzero

Here are some titles that are not specifically “Christian” books and I do not necessarily endorse everything that these authors write, however, they are, to me, excellent books with very interesting and helpful insights…

Talent Is Overrated, Geoff Colvin
Learned Optimism, Martin Seligman
Night, Elie Wiesel
The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck
Made To Stick, Chip and Dan Heath  (For Those Interested In Communication)

Hope this is of some value.

Dan M.

P.S. If you are on Facebook and are not already a fan of "Love God And Love Others...The Greatest Commandment", I hope you will consider becoming one. Here is a link:

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