Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nadia, Rachel and Dan Are Living It Up In Madison

Nadia, Rachel, and I are spending the night in Madison, Wisconsin.  I know, you’re probably thinking to yourself:  “Man, those three really know how to live it up!”

How true.  The deal is that we are on our way to our friends’ [Dave and Roxanne] house for a few days but we had to stop for the night.  After leaving home this afternoon, we made a stop near Milwaukee to hear acclaimed theologian and author, N.T. Wright speak at the Elmbrook Church.

I enjoyed his talk.  It was interesting and substantive.  His talk was based on his most recent book, titled:  “After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters”.  The basic subject is the development of Christian character.  Paraphrasing Dr. Wright:  Vice comes to us relatively easily, but we must grow up into the virtues. 

The development of virtue requires effort.  It’s not that the Holy Spirit is not involved, of course, He is.  But He develops virtue in us, in part, as we engage in spiritual disciplines.  In a certain sense, says Dr. Wright, the development of virtue takes practice.

Dr. Wright took questions from the audience after his talk and a couple of folks in the audience had him stumped, several times.  Fortunately, I was there, and was able to step to the platform and handle some of the more difficult questions for him….

…Oops, sorry, during those last two sentences I had some kind of neurological episode and entered that make believe world that I occasionally drift into, where I’m completely divorced from reality.  I apologize.

Anyhow, here I now sit at a Best Western Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin.  Nadia and Rachel are arguing about what to watch on TV and it’s getting harder and harder for me to keep my eyes open.  It’s been a long day and we need to get up and get going in the morning.  So, I’m done.  Oh…listen, yep…yep, that’s my phone ringing.  I should have known.  It’s N.T. Wright calling again with some follow up questions.

You know what?  I’m tired.  It must be another one of those episodes happening.  I’ll apologize for that last paragraph in the morning.

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