Friday, May 6, 2016

Be Aware of The Energy Drains

We live in a culture in which there are a number of drains on our energy and some of these energy drains are so common to us that we barely notice them. However, they are still affecting us whether we are aware of it, or not.

For example, the fact that we are constantly connected to devices which have been designed to interrupt what we are doing and capture our attention is a drain on our energy. This can result in a fairly minor expenditure of energy, spread out through an average day, therefore it seems inconsequential. However, the relentlessness of this type of energy drain along with the fact that there are many other energy drains, as well, combine in such a way that it becomes significant.

Don’t get me wrong, this is not an anti-cell phone rant. Cell phones come in handy. And, frankly, cell phones are only one of the technological drains on our energy.

The problem, however, is the lack of energy and fatigue we experience due to the many subtle and not-so-subtle energy drains in our lives can mean we do not end up putting our finite energy into those pursuits which are truly important.

It is always helpful for us to be clear regarding the matters of genuine importance in our lives. It is also helpful to intentionally limit our exposure to energy drains and arrange our time in such a way that we can give the truly important issues the energy, time and attention they deserve.

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