Wednesday, June 12, 2013

E-Flash From Dan, June 12, 2013

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Tonight, at Next Step, we will begin our time of prayer and fasting together, as a church.  Of course, everyone is always free to pray about anything that they want to bring to God.  But we believe our church has been specifically called by God to enter into this time in order to ask God to move in the lives and hearts of our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. who are resistant to the saving truth of Jesus.

One time, when Jesus’ disciples were unable to heal a boy, they asked the Lord, “Why couldn’t we heal him?”  Jesus told them that this type of work requires “prayer and fasting.”  (See Matthew 17:21)

All of us know people who are resistant—perhaps even vehemently resistant—to the things of God.  These folks may represent cases that require “prayer and fasting.” 

We have a “God Box” in the church lobby into which scores of names—which will remain private—have already been placed.  A prayer team already met at the church on Tuesday morning and prayed over the names in the God Box.  We will continue to pray for these people over the next couple of days asking God, who knows each one by name, to bring the circumstances into their lives that will remove their resistance to Him.

Do you feel prompted by the Spirit to participate in this time of prayer and fasting?  I hope you do.  We will begin tonight (6/12/13) at Next Step.  You are invited to join us (6-8pm).  If you cannot make it tonight but still want to join in the fast with us, please do so.  We will begin the fast this evening and we will break the fast on Friday.

If there is some reason why you are unable to fast from food, perhaps you could fast from something else during this time, e.g. television, and still join with us.

We serve a mighty, prayer-answering God who tells us in His word He desires that all men would be saved.  (See, 1 Timothy 2:4)  I am believing that He is going to do great things.  I am trusting that hearts will be touched, eyes will be opened and lives will be transformed!

To Him be the glory!

Love and blessings,

First Church of God
Oak Lawn, IL

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