Sunday, January 8, 2012

Celebrating A Little Late... But You Know What They Say: Better Late Than Never!

Nadia and I found a great new restaurant while we were on our way to a completely different restaurant.  It’s fun when it happens that way, you know?

We enjoyed each other’s company—which doesn’t just mean that she listened to me talk—although that’s immensely enjoyable for both of us.

...I think.

We sat and gazed upon a beautiful view of the water as we dined on delicious food, except for the coleslaw which was mediocre.  We were celebrating our anniversary about a month and a half after it actually occurs on the calendar.  (The actual date is November 17th, but who’s counting?)

I know.  We’re occasionally a little bit slow in getting around to celebrating things.

It was a wonderful evening and on our way back to the car Nadia held my hand and whispered, “if I had a choice, I would do it all over again.”  I held her close to my side and said, “Me too.”

P.S.  When she said, “I would do it all over again” I thought it was a reference to marrying me.  But I found out later she meant that, given a choice, she would once again order the shrimp scampi.

Hey, what can I say?  It was very good shrimp.

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