Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rachel The Cicada Whisperer

Wild horses have been tamed.  Lions and tigers have been tamed.  Killer whales have even been tamed.  But the really critical question is this one: Can a cicada be tamed?  Yep, that’s the question that has baffled top scientists for decades.  (On second thought the group I’m thinking of may be the medium to low level scientists.)

Fortunately, that perplexing question has finally been answered.  (So, all the scientists can go back to working on things like, oh, let’s see… things like cures for debilitating diseases.)

My daughter, Rachel—who is now known as The Cicada Whisperer—tamed a cicada this week.  The cicada—she was named “Sammy Cicada” by Nadia and Nita—would sit in the palm of Rachel’s hand without flying away.  She would walk up her arm.  She would sit on Rachel’s shoulder like a parrot.  It was remarkable!

We were really impressed when we woke up the next morning and Sammy had whipped up a scrumptious breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon.  That’s a pretty complex trick for a cicada.  (You know, that frying pan is heavy when you’re a bug that weighs about 1/20 of an ounce.)

Sadly, cicada’s have a very short lifespan.  Very short.

So, just about the time that Sammy had mastered a really neat repertoire of tricks… Well… I hate to even tell you… Um… You see…It’s like this…

Well, I’ll just put it this way.  The Cicada Whisperer is thinking about switching to the taming of goldfish.  Hey, goldfish practically live forever, compared to a cicada.

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