Thursday, October 22, 2009

This Is Just Mayonnaise, Right? Or Am I Missing Something?

Television ads have a long history of being rather dumb and insulting to our intelligence so I know this is not really anything new, but I saw a commercial last night that carries on that tradition in spectacular fashion. It’s one of those commercials where, at first, you’re not even sure what product is being presented. It looks like it could be possibly be an energy drink or something else that has to do with wild-living and a fast-paced, pedal-to-the-medal style of life.

Soon it becomes apparent that the product is “Miracle Whip”.  You know, Miracle Whip, the mayonnaise? After a bunch of fast camera shots and other edgy production techniques designed to prove just how “crazy” and “unpredictable” this whole mayonnaise thing can be, they deliver the slogan for the product.  Here it is: “We are Miracle Whip and we will not tone it down!”

I’m not joking. This is a real commercial that’s been airing on television, lately. Has anyone else seen this or have I been hallucinating?

Watch out, baby!!! I said, watch it!  “We are Miracle Whip and we will not tone it down!”

IT’S MAYONNAISE!!!!!!!!  The product is mayonnaise! Perhaps one of the blandest and most ordinary products in the entire grocery store. Is there something new that’s happened very recently that I don’t understand about mayonnaise?!? Have they started adding Tequila to it?

How dumb do they think we are?!?  (Don’t answer that question.  It could make you depressed.)

“We’re crazy! We’re nutty. We’re out of control! Watch out, baby! We are Miracle Whip and we will not tone it down!”

If this ad campaign actually works, in other words, if we hear reports that Miracle Whip sales are going through the roof, I’m going to apply this promotional technique to some of the things we do at church….

“It’s church bulletins, baby, and we will not tone them down!!!”

“We’re taking the offering at this time, you crazy nuts, and we will not tone it down!!!”

“And now, here’s our closing benediction—done with speed metal background music—and we will not tone it down!!!”

Alright, I’m done with my rant.  I’m going to go make a sandwich—with some Miracle Whip—and if I, somehow, get injured in the process I guess it’s because they did not tone it down.


edl said...

What makes this ad campaign funny, besides the "We will not tone it down" statement, is that people are actually taking it too seriously. Like what you said, it's just a condiment, a mayonnaise-alternative. And people are taking the mayo vs Miracle Whip issue to heart, like it's a serious issue that needs to be argued about.

- ella (

Dan Marler said...

So, does that show us the POWER of the media, or does that show us that some people don't have much else to do? Ha!

Thanks for your comment. --Dan