Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting Excited About "Trunk Or Treat"

Think about Trunk or Treat with me…

Children get to dress up in costumes—everyone knows that kids love to dress up in costumes.

Adults can even dress up in costumes—everyone knows that it’s funny to see adults dressed up in costumes.  (Remember the year that several newcomers pointed to me and laughed at my hilarious “Hobo” costume only to find out that I was dressed normally, it wasn’t a costume after all?  Ahh, memories…)

And then children get lots of candy, FAST.  They “trick or treat” from car-trunk to car-trunk in the church parking lot.  This is a method for getting lots of candy very quickly.  Then after some games and other festivities we send the kids home loaded down with tons of candy that they can stash all around their room and eat and eat and eat for weeks to come.  (Did I mention that the area Dentists’ Association has helped to sponsor this year’s event?)

“Trunk or Treat” is one of the most effective outreach programs we do all year.  Many people who do not regularly attend our church come to “Trunk or Treat” for their kids to have a good time and then they discover that this is a nice place with fun, friendly people.  (“Hey, some of these Christians are pretty nice folks,” they say.  They go on, “In fact, that ‘Hobo’ guy seems okay.”)

And Trunk or Treat is one of the few events that we do where grandparents, parents and kids all participate and have a good time TOGETHER.  In fact, the grandparents are going to have to settle down, last year’s incident in which the fire department had to come and get Grandma Smythington off of the roof was NOT funny!

And then, finally, at the end of the night when I give my 45 minute Old Testament Bible teaching before anyone is allowed to leave, you can just tell that people are enthralled and deeply touched.

So, I hope Trunk or Treat is on your calendar.  It’s happening this Friday, Oct. 30th, 7pm.  NOTE: For those who are bringing candy, we will start parking cars in the lot at 6pm, as a safety measure.

(Okay, there’s no 45 minute Bible teaching time at Trunk or Treat but a guy can dream, can’t he?)

See you on Friday!

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