Saturday, October 17, 2009

E-Flash From Dan, Special Baptism Edition

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Tomorrow is going to be exciting!!!

You say, “Dan, you tell us that every week.”

No, wait a minute.  This time is different.  We have 14 people who will be stepping forth in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ tomorrow and getting baptized.  This is SPIRITUAL VICTORY!

Eight people in the first service, six people in the second service, three generations of one family will be baptized, a father will be baptizing his son, a mother and daughter.  Someone hold me down because I’m getting ready to start jumping up and down for half an hour again.  (I only do that when I get REALLY, REALLY excited.  Or, when the Taco Bell closes just before I get there.)

Several religious experts have been quoted as saying that tomorrow “may be one of the most thrilling church services that have ever happened in Oak Lawn, IL.”

Alright….that’s not true, I don’t actually know any religious experts.  I used to know one but he changed his phone number and he pretends he’s not home when I knock on his door.

But the part about the services being AWESOME is true.  Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15)  The folks who are stepping forth for baptism are obeying Him and in doing so they are revealing the genuine love for Jesus that exists in their hearts.  How cool is that?  Hope you’re planning to be here.  We will have baptisms in both the 9 o’clock and 11 o’clock services.

If you want to wear your swim suit and dive in just for the fun and excitement of it all, that’s fine, but I am asking that everyone keeps the splashing and the games of “Marco Polo” to a minimum during the sermon.

Blessings to you,


P.S.  If you want to have the E-Flash From Dan sent directly to your e-mail send an e-mail message to:    ….and type “Sign me up for E-Flash” in the “subject” field.

P.P.S.   “Marco . . . ?”

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