Sunday, October 11, 2009

A "Homecoming" Weekend Adventure

Ah yes, Homecoming weekend at my dear alma mater, Anderson University.  We saw my son, Taylor (a freshman at Anderson, and a wonderful young man, if I do say so myself. . .and, I just did); we visited with Cam & Candi Marler, and Grant & Jennifer Powell and many other friends and family who were in town.

What a treat it is to renew acquaintances and reminisce about fun times from long ago.  A steady stream of old friends approached me and said, “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it, after all these years . . .”  And then after a moment of confusion said, “Oh, nevermind, I thought you were someone else.”  And walked away briskly.

I would try to follow them and engage in some conversation but you know what? That pepper spray really does sting!

There were so many highlights of the weekend: Dinner on Friday night with the Powells; the tour of the university broadcasting studios and talking with my friend, Dr. Baird; descending on the Panera Bread on Saturday evening with a large group of friends and family that basically turned into a big reunion; the pepper spray . . . oh yeah, I already mentioned that.

But one of the great moments for me was watching my niece Carly and my dear friends’ son Josh perform at the “Encore” show on Saturday night.  They both performed magnificently and to say that I was proud of them would be a DRASTIC understatement.

Well, here, I can put it like this:  The performances of both Carly and Josh were among the greatest that have ever happened in the history of the university—perhaps in the history of music.  And I say that without a trace of prejudice or bias. This is simply the sober, objective assessment of an only partially confused guy who loves these kids and thinks they are fantastic. So there!

Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe that God could be so kind and loving to a guy like me, I mean, come on, God’s got standards, right?  But when I think about the family and friends that He has blessed me with, I realize that even though He has standards—perfect standards—He also has extraordinary grace and mercy and LOVE. 

I’m lucky.  No, wait a minute. . .I am blessed!  (There’s a difference.)

Hope you’re experiencing the “blessing” rather than the “luck” these days, too.

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