Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007, E-Flash From Dan

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Yesterday, I skipped lunch and had a light dinner.

Alright, the dinner was from White Castle, but it was still light. Really. I’m not kidding. It was. (The “honesty-in-writing” police are always watching these e-flashes and checking them for accuracy.)

Today, my plan is to skip lunch and—if I can really muster up some will power—skip dinner, too. Having done that, I will be ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow.

“Whooo Hoooo!!! Bring on the feast!!!”

You say, “That’s it? That’s all a guy like you has to do to be ready for Thanksgiving? Skip a few meals?!?”

Oh, that’s right, there are three other things that I need to do: Number one, thank God for His goodness and mercy to me. I enjoy a life that’s much better and nicer and richer and more comfortable and more blessed with good family and friends and good health and happiness than I deserve. So . . .

“Thank you, Lord, for your grace and goodness and love and the many blessings you give to me.”

Number two, attend the Thanksgiving Eve service tonight at church. This will be another great opportunity to express thanks. (11/21/07, 7:00 p.m.)

And, number three, I need to say thank you to the people in my life who love me and accept me and put up with me and encourage me and do life with me—people who love me for who I am and, in some cases, despite of who I am. So . . .

Thank Y O U!

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you are experiencing life’s greatest blessing, the personal presence of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Love and blessings,

Dan Marler

P.S. This Sunday we will finish up our current series with a message titled, “Don’t Worry, Pray”. What is your natural response to worry? Come Sunday and learn about a biblical response to our tendency toward fretting. Can you think of someone to invite?

P.P.S. Here’s a good verse that just keeps coming to mind, so, I’m guessing God wants me to include it: “I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord . . . ” Phil. 3:8

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