Sunday, November 7, 2021

From scratch?!?

You’re probably sitting home tonight thinking, “I wonder if Dan ever bakes chocolate chip cookies.”

It’s a question that many people think about. Especially if they have completely run out of TV shows to binge watch on Netflix.

You will be happy to know that I made the cookies you see in this photo…from scratch!

Pretty good, huh?

It’s always much more impressive when someone can say, “I made these baked goods from scratch!”

So there!

…Okay, actually, I didn’t make the cookies from scratch. I made them from the pre-packaged cookie dough that can be found in the refrigerator section of the grocery store. But I felt slightly embarrassed admitting that truth because it seems like it indicates I have made a diminished chocolate chip cookie.

Please be assured that these are not diminished chocolate chip cookies.

To be really honest, I’m not even sure what it means to make something “from scratch.” Whenever I hear the word scratch it reminds me of the time I had poison ivy during summer break when I was in high school.

That was not fun. And the poison ivy rash was on my face so it was swollen and ugly. That’s not a helpful look for someone in high school.

My mom felt so bad for me that she made some chocolate chip cookies to cheer me up.

…She made them from scratch.

…I think.


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