Monday, August 10, 2020

Creating a well-known movie title

 Imaginary conversation from long ago in the Groovy 70s…

 [We hear the sound effects that happen when going back in time. Heavy on the guitar wah wah. A somewhat blurry scene comes into focus.]

 …I said to him, “Bruce, if you take the same basic principles you’ve been using in the 3-inch punch and transfer them to a ONE-inch punch, I think you’ll have something pretty darned special…and pretty powerful, too!”

 He thought for a moment, looking out into the distance and absent-mindedly broke a large brick with his pinky finger. Then nodded his head with a radiant smile saying, “Oh yeah…”

 And we both busted out laughing.

 But then he turned to me and I could tell something was bothering him. He became very serious and, with a look of disappointment, said, “Dan, I feel like this whole martial arts thing just isn’t working out for me. I can’t get it to break in a big way.”

 I said, “Bruce, what you need to do is re-title this new film you’ve been working on.” At that moment, I reached up without looking and caught, in mid-air, a sharp arrow someone at the school shot at us from a hiding place.

 He said, “But all the execs at the movie company think ‘Enter the Muscular Guy with No Shirt’ is a phenomenal title. It seems to score well with focus groups and many of the folks at my dentist’s office.”

 I held up my hand and with a wry grin suggested, “Go with this instead, my friend: ‘Enter The Dragon.’”

 “Dragon?!? …Really?” There was a long pause. “Dragon?”

 “Yes, Dragon!”

 I could see there was some skepticism but he said, “Alright, I don’t know about this…but I’ll give it a try. Hmm, Enter the Dragon!”

 As we got up and walked out the door, the students at the dojo saw our silhouettes, in the setting sun, become smaller and smaller until they vanished out of sight.

And this concludes another fun “Behind the Scenes” story about creating well-known movie titles.

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