Friday, March 2, 2018

A Story of Grace From Ruth Graham - Billy Graham's Daughter

I was moved as I watched Billy Graham’s daughter, Ruth, speak of some of the failures in her life at her father’s funeral today. In particular, she mentioned relational mistakes that resulted in two divorces.

Some of you may not be old enough to remember that divorce was once considered to be scandalous. And a divorce within the family of a minister was even more scandalous. When that minister happened to be one of the most famous people in the world… that must have quadrupled the level of humiliation and embarrassment Ruth felt.

Ruth described a long painful drive home after her second marriage ended within weeks. She realized that after her family had cautioned her about moving too quickly into a relationship that wound up with a terrible ending they might just say, “We’re tired of fooling with you! …You’ve embarrassed us!”

As she pulled into her parents’ driveway, her father was outside watching for her arrival. She stepped out of her car and her father, Billy Graham, wrapped his arms around her and said, “Welcome home.”

No shame. No condemnation. A father’s love for his daughter.

Ruth correctly stated that Billy Graham is not God. But that day, he showed her what God is like.

The cameras at the funeral panned the crowd as the story concluded and I saw many people wiping tears from their eyes. I was doing that, too, as I watched on a computer screen.

I love stories of grace because I, personally, am so in need of grace. Stories of grace stir gratitude and hope within me.

Ruth shared a wonderful Billy Graham story with the world. But even more important she gave us a powerful reminder of the truth of God’s amazing grace.

"For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes..." Romans 1:16

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