Friday, June 12, 2015

Do Yourself A Favor And Do Not Debate Someone Who Denies Logic

If you are debating an issue and the person with whom you are debating admits that his position is logically invalid and yet he says “but I’m holding this position anyhow” then it is time to immediately stop debating. There is no point in talking about the subject any longer. Do yourself a favor and either end the conversation or switch the subject to something inconsequential like last night’s episode of Judge Judy.

(By the way, the scenario I mentioned above may sound so silly that you would be tempted to think such a thing could never happen. However, something very similar to what I described actually happened to me.)

Our culture’s embrace of relativism has led people to believe we can hold illogical positions on issues or, even, deny reality without any consequences because, after all, everything is ultimately a matter of our own personal choice and we are the creators of our own truth.

I recommend you keep this in mind because it will be helpful: Whenever we deny truth, logic, or reality—in the long run—it will not go well.

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