Friday, August 17, 2012

E-Flash From Dan, August 17, 2012

A Fresh Start And A New Journey

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Powerful things will often happen when a local body of believers gets fired up, motivated, and committed to the work of advancing the church and advancing God’s kingdom.

I can tell you without exaggeration that God has used the church here in Oak Lawn to completely alter the course of my life.  That sounds like I’m laying it on thick, but it is the truth.  And I know that God has used this church to bring positive spiritual change to the lives of many of those who are reading this message.

With that in mind, I hope you will begin praying about our Fall Kick-Off services which are happening on Sunday, September 16th.  I believe that God is leading us to invite individuals that we know to “A Fresh Start and a New Journey” and I believe that God is leading us, as a church, to be making some fresh starts and renew our journey together with Him.

Will you, please, make this a matter of prayer in your life?

Even now we are looking at offering a new opportunity for learning and spiritual growth on Sunday mornings.  (More details to come.)

Our Children’s Ministry will be launching a new theme designed to teach our kids Bible stories and values in a fun way.

We have been working at retooling our Wednesday night time with a view toward more intentional discipleship.  (We have more details coming on this, as well.)

Our Youth Ministry is working on a special outreach to students.

I’m excited and I’m trusting that God will do mighty things!  We have invitation cards with basic information about our Fall Kick Off services on our literature table.  Please feel free to take those cards and distribute them freely. 

And, again, I’m hoping that we will all make this a matter of persistent prayer.  Pray for the services.  Pray for our church.  Pray for our church leaders.  Pray that we will recognize the truth and power of God in our lives.  Pray that God will bring people our way.  Pray that we will have opportunities to invite. 

Then let’s take the risk of making an invitation.

This is a wonderful church.  I am already believing and trusting that God is going to work through us in some fresh new ways.  Thank you for being a part of it!

I love you all very much!



P.S.  Just a little reminder that we will be coming to the Lord’s Table for Communion this Sunday (Aug. 19th).  Let’s come with hearts joyfully prepared to enter into this important and sacred time together.  See you Sunday!

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