Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is This A Game We're Playing?

There was a cute little boy sitting in a high chair at the table next to mine.  He was probably about a year old.  (I’m not good at estimating the age of children but he definitely was not a new born infant because he was able to sit up in the high chair all by himself and he was definitely younger than 12 because there’s no way I could picture him at a jr. high event.  So, I’m going to use my irrefutable powers of logic to determine that he was about 1 year old.)

The little boy kept turning around in his seat and smiling at me.  And then—I’m pretty sure he thought we were playing a game together—he would throw items from their table onto the floor.  When he did this, I raised my eyebrows and then he laughed.

Napkins on the floor.
Raised eyebrows.

Bottle on the floor.
Raised eyebrows.

Grandpa’s cell phone on the floor.
Raised eyebrows.

The little boy was with his grandparents and I think his grandpa was getting a little tired of picking things up off the floor because grandpa started watching me out of the corner of his eye to see if I was instigating these activities with the little boy.

I wasn’t!  I was just an innocent bystander.  But grandpa was definitely keeping a peripheral eye on me.

When they finally got up to leave, grandpa walked past my table carrying the little boy and as they passed by, one of my books fell off the table onto the floor.  I looked at the book on the floor with surprise.

Hold on, I thought.  Did grandpa do that?!?  Did he just knock my book off the table?  Was he making me pick my book up off the floor because he thought I instigated the game with his little grandson and he was giving me a taste of my own medicine?  I don’t know.  It was probably a complete coincidence.  Yes, of course, what am I thinking?  It had to be a coincidence.

But as they walked out the door, I’m reasonably certain that I saw grandpa, grandma, and the little boy dancing around and high-fiving each other.

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