Friday, May 28, 2021

There is something special about Jesus

During Jesus’ time on earth people could tell there was something unique about Him, something powerful, something compelling. His teaching was challenging and penetrating.

After Jesus delivers what has come to be known as the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew reports the reaction of those who were present:

“When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, for he taught with real authority—quite unlike their teachers of religious law.”  

Matthew chapter 7, vv. 28 and 29

Did you ever have a song get stuck in your mind?


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Lucy helps me make a video


The truth of Jesus is "Good News"

It is difficult for many people to believe that we are made right with God because of Jesus and what He has done, not because of our good deeds.

There is a strong desire in human beings to believe: a) we’re really not that bad; b) we can do enough good things to correct whatever bad is on our account; and c) even if I am bad you’re probably worse, so I should be okay. (God is likely to be grading on the curve.)

Here are some words from Romans chapter 3, vv. 23-25(a) which provide helpful teaching regarding this matter:


“22 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.

23 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. 24 Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. 25 For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood….”


Salvation is offered to us because of Jesus. This is why the truth of Jesus is recognized as the Good News.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Might be something, might be nothing


I was jamming around on the guitar and I'm not certain...this might be something or it might be nothing. Sometimes it isn't that easy to discern the difference! 😊

We want to be people of high moral character


Getting my instructions

Rachel enjoyed some cheesy bacon garlic bread sticks for lunch. And then she gave me further instructions for the day.

She reminded me that if I cannot perform up to minimal standards, I can be easily replaced.

I don't think she referred to me as "Jeeves" but I cannot completely dismiss that possibility.

It's a little disconcerting to know that you're just hanging on by a thread.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Your love and kindness have overwhelmed me


Testimony regarding answered prayers!

 [This article was originally written on Monday, May 10, 2021.]    

Two wonderful answers to prayer today!

First answered prayer: I had an angiogram procedure (along with a trim and blow dry) which was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. today. Since I've basically been stuck at the hospital waiting for this procedure since Saturday morning, I was hoping it could have happened earlier in the day. I was getting antsy.
But I was told that Monday mornings are very busy, so, the likelihood is that if any change happened it would get bumped to even later in the day, not earlier.
I prayed and several others joined me in praying that the procedure could be done earlier in the day.
Lo and behold, the nurse stepped into my room at about 8:15 this morning and said, "Good news! Your procedure got moved up. They are coming to take you for it right now!"
I said, "Now?!? That's fantastic!"
Boom! Answer to prayer. Thank you, Lord!
Second answered prayer: I was concerned--based on my history of cardiovascular issues and based on what my cardiologist had told me after a past procedure--that what was discovered today might lead the experts to conclude that bypass surgery would be our best option for treatment. Bypass surgery is more complicated, more dangerous, and more likely to negatively affect my ballroom dancing skills.
I was praying that bypass surgery would not be necessary. Several others were praying for this, as well.
In the procedure room, as the medical team was finishing up, the cardiologist came over with a monitor, pointed and told me, "This is what this artery looked like before we began," then pointing to another area, "this is where we put in a stent, and this is what it looks like now." Then pointing at yet a third area he said, "This is a game of tetris several of us were playing during the procedure today."
...But the main takeaway? The condition was handled with a stent. No bypass surgery was needed.
Boom! Another answered prayer. Thank you Lord!
Please accept my deepest heartfelt thanks for your love, prayers and concern. Your kindness, support and encouragement has been an immeasurable gift from God to me!
I love you all. Each and every one!

Off to the ER we go...!

[This post was originally written on Saturday, May 8, 2021.]

 Yesterday, Friday, during a late morning walk, I began to experience most of the classic symptoms of a heart attack. I had pain in the jaw, chest pains, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness, and almost no desire for Taco Bell. (I know... that last symptom is very scary.)

So, my loving, rock steady wife quickly drove me to the ER, stopping only for 3 errands on the way. (Just kidding, it was non-stop.)
There was a long day in the ER yesterday during which I witnessed the sad, the strange, the amusing, the puzzling, and the sobering side of the ER experience.
Today, Saturday, I find myself in a hospital room awaiting an angiogram procedure which will not be able to happen until Monday. Thankfully, all the tests, so far, have revealed that I have not sustained any damage to my heart. Although there is some sad speculation that my ninja activities may have to be dialed back to only 7 or 8 tournament fights per month.
Seriously, I am feeling fine and my condition is good.
I greatly appreciate your love and concern. Your support is a tremendous gift. I am a blessed man. If you are a person of prayer, I humbly request your prayer regarding the procedure on Monday. (Actually, even if you're not a person of prayer, I wouldn't mind if you made a rare exception and prayed this time.)
The angiogram will reveal what happened on Friday and provide the necessary information to help determine what should be done going forward.
Whatever we discover, please know that I …"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His faithful love endures forever." Psalm 136:1

Thursday, May 6, 2021

National Day of Prayer 2021

The first Thursday of May has been designated the National Day of Prayer in the United States. I offer this prayer:

Dear Lord, give us wisdom to live as gracious agents of truth.

We know it is not your will that we would live in fear, so, may we know the reality of your perfect love that casts out all fear.

Thank you for freedom. It is an incredible gift. May our country genuinely be a land of liberty and justice for all.

I lift this prayer to you believing it is consistent with your word and that it represents the hopes of many of my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, and many of my fellow citizens.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Finley makes another escape

Finley made another quick, tricky escape from the backyard today. She’s very fast, she’s very clever and she has a fake mustache that causes just enough confusion to give her an opening.

Fortunately, when we ran after her, she returned fairly promptly to my call. I picked her up and carried her home.

When we got back to the yard and I set her down, she looked at me and said, “I think of these moments as important bonding times for us.”

Then we both laughed as we chewed on a dog biscuit.

…My biscuit definitely would have benefited from some frosting.


It will be better on the other side