Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Testimony regarding answered prayers!

 [This article was originally written on Monday, May 10, 2021.]    

Two wonderful answers to prayer today!

First answered prayer: I had an angiogram procedure (along with a trim and blow dry) which was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. today. Since I've basically been stuck at the hospital waiting for this procedure since Saturday morning, I was hoping it could have happened earlier in the day. I was getting antsy.
But I was told that Monday mornings are very busy, so, the likelihood is that if any change happened it would get bumped to even later in the day, not earlier.
I prayed and several others joined me in praying that the procedure could be done earlier in the day.
Lo and behold, the nurse stepped into my room at about 8:15 this morning and said, "Good news! Your procedure got moved up. They are coming to take you for it right now!"
I said, "Now?!? That's fantastic!"
Boom! Answer to prayer. Thank you, Lord!
Second answered prayer: I was concerned--based on my history of cardiovascular issues and based on what my cardiologist had told me after a past procedure--that what was discovered today might lead the experts to conclude that bypass surgery would be our best option for treatment. Bypass surgery is more complicated, more dangerous, and more likely to negatively affect my ballroom dancing skills.
I was praying that bypass surgery would not be necessary. Several others were praying for this, as well.
In the procedure room, as the medical team was finishing up, the cardiologist came over with a monitor, pointed and told me, "This is what this artery looked like before we began," then pointing to another area, "this is where we put in a stent, and this is what it looks like now." Then pointing at yet a third area he said, "This is a game of tetris several of us were playing during the procedure today."
...But the main takeaway? The condition was handled with a stent. No bypass surgery was needed.
Boom! Another answered prayer. Thank you Lord!
Please accept my deepest heartfelt thanks for your love, prayers and concern. Your kindness, support and encouragement has been an immeasurable gift from God to me!
I love you all. Each and every one!

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