Sunday, March 21, 2021

Making a fashion statement

In the world of fashion I suspect there will always be a desire to “try something new,” “be innovative,” “push the limits,” “see how gullible people really are.” Because of my extensive knowledge and experience in fashion—along with a tremendous flair for crochet—my opinion about the latest fashions coming out of London and Paris is generally sought after.

“What does Dan think about this?” the designers usually ask. And then they lie down with a cold rag on their foreheads.

The photos you see with this post are part of the 2021 Men’s Pants Fashion Collection from the London College of Fashion. (No kidding!)

Hip, talented, influential, cutting-edge designers—who were not blindfolded at the time—are thinking this is a style we will embrace. A look we will like. A fashion sense we will affirm and accept, even while sober.

So the question hangs in the air like wet socks on a clothesline: What does Dan think about these fashionable new pants?

I think the question has already been answered. I have 5 new pairs of these pants and have been wearing them regularly when I’m out running errands and working my part-time job as a junior rodeo cowboy.

By the way, if the right amount of helium is used with these pants one can enjoy the fun of floating around the village.


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