Friday, February 1, 2019

My simple description of "John Wick"


I watched the edited/televised version of “John Wick” recently. This is my overly simple and, admittedly, incomplete description.

In the movie, one of the villains intentionally, cruelly kills John Wick’s puppy.

The puppy was a gift left to John posthumously by the love of his life, his wife, after she suffers an untimely, heartbreaking death due to illness.

So let’s think about this for a moment: a bad guy kills a puppy—which is an awfully terrible thing to do—but it also happens to be a puppy of tremendously special value to John. It is a puppy he loves. The puppy is a final treasured connection between a grieving John and the wife he adored.

Even if you have never seen the movie you may have already guessed, by now, that this is a huge mistake on the part of the bad guy. You’ve put those pieces together, right?

The rest of the movie is an incredibly potent and vivid illustration of this important point: Do NOT kill John Wick’s puppy.

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