Wednesday, February 21, 2018

God's Wisdom and Goodness in Billy Graham's Life

Many years ago, I read a biography of Billy Graham. In the biography it described how, early on in Graham’s ministry—as his popularity and influence rose—significant money began to come in the form of many donations to the ministry.

I suspect it must have felt overwhelming… and very tempting.

So, as a young man Graham determined that he would form of a Board of Directors for the ministry to be responsible for the finances of the ministry and other aspects of their work, as well. Graham would be accountable to them.

This is what happened and the board handled the finances, paying Graham a salary.

I remember being impressed by this move. He did not have to arrange things this way. He was young, incredibly popular and successful. He could have rationalized, “Hey, this money is being sent to me to continue to do my noble work, therefore, it’s my money!”

But he did not.

Looking back on this decision, years later, Graham indicated that he believed it was one of the ways God, in His goodness and kindness, looked out for him and protected him—in a sense—from himself and his popularity.

Most of us are not particularly wise when we are young. Wisdom, tends to require time and experience to develop. I’m 59 years old, I’m hoping wisdom will kick in for me, any day now. This decision regarding finances was a form of God’s wisdom in Graham’s life. I am thankful for Dr. Graham’s willingness to create a form of authority to whom he remained accountable; his example of preaching the word of God; and his effective use of his gift of evangelism to help multitudes of people all around the world come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Rev. Dr. Billy Graham: November 7, 1918 – February 21, 2018

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