Friday, October 23, 2015

An October Christmas Commercial

Earlier today I heard some music coming from the television in the other room. I thought, “Wait just a minute. No way! I can’t be hearing that correctly.”

So, I walked into the room and, sure enough, I saw my first Christmas commercial on TV for this year. I said, “Come on. You must be kidding me!”

I pulled out my phone and looked at the date. “Let’s see,” I thought, “it’s… October 23rd, it’s still a week before Halloween. That may be the earliest I’ve seen an ad for Christmas on TV.”

The ad was for K-Mart and I just caught the end of it but I think it had to with their layaway program. So I will quickly grant that the whole concept of layaway involves putting some things aside well before Christmas in order to pay them off by the time Christmas arrives. However, it was still a surprise to hear the Christmas music playing in the background and taking in the references to the Christmas season.

I laughed and thought, “Well, that’s how it is nowadays. They start advertising Christmas and making references to Christmas earlier and earlier every year.” Then I went back in the other room and continued putting up the Christmas tree.

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