Thursday, March 26, 2015

Even Though Life Can Seem To Be Very Predictable... We Are Still Not In Control

Life can be incredibly routine. In fact, sometimes people go for years living a daily routine that is so similar and so predictable that one of life’s key problems can seem to be it is just plain boring.

These aspects of daily living can be misleading, however. They may tempt us to believe we have more control over life than we actually do. But what often happens is after a lengthy period of predictability some event comes along like a sharp strike to the solar plexus giving us a stark reminder that, actually, life is not as predictable or controllable as we thought.

The truth is that there is one person in control.

It is possible for us to know the one who is in control. And that is tremendously helpful when the sharp strike to the solar plexus comes along.

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