Monday, December 29, 2014

Rachel Spending Her Money

Rachel has some money that she received for Christmas.  When Rachel has money it is not static or inanimate. It calls her, it woos her, it whispers, “Spend me, Rachel.”

It is very persuasive.

We were at the toy area of a Cracker Barrel restaurant tonight and Rachel was in her seeking mode. Her money was talking.  As I watched her, an idea struck me. 

“Perhaps this could be a learning moment,” I thought. So, I walked up and told her, “You know, Rachel, you don’t have to spend your money.  You can save it. If you save it, now, you can have it for other things—maybe even better things—later.”

She turned and looked at me and gave a very brief moment of thought to my statement. Then she laughed and proceeded to buy a toy.

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