Thursday, August 25, 2011

E-Flash From Dan, August 25, 2011

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Recently, I heard a very smart and learned man state that the deepest questions of life have to do with these four issues:

1. Origin  -- How did I come to be?
2. Meaning  -- What is the meaning and purpose for which I exist?
3. Morality -- How do I define and separate right from wrong?
4. Destiny -- What happens when we die?

This year, for our Fall Kick-Off, we will be starting a new series on Sunday morning entitled: The Meaning of Life.  This series will involve a study of the book of Ecclesiastes and it will lead us to consider a number of aspects of these 4 deep questions of life.

Our Fall Kick-Off starts on Sunday, September 11th.  The message for Sept. 11, “Is Life Meaning-LESS or Meaning-FULL?”  I really hope you can be here.  We want to start our new ministry season with excitement, high participation and a passionate desire to help people connect meaningfully with the God who loves them!

Whew!  I need to catch my breath.  I got myself so excited thinking about it that I just went outside and ran around the church a couple of times.  That doesn’t appear to have helped me in any way.  But see?  That’s an example of how thrilled I am!   

Okay, I have calmed down a bit, now.

Let’s pray that God will bring people to mind and stir up conversations with friends, neighbors and co-workers that could lead to inviting folks to the Fall Kick-Off!  I honestly believe it’s going to be a terrific time of praising God!  I have seen firsthand examples of God changing the lives of people through the ministry of our church and He’s not done yet.  There are many more transformed lives still to come!

By the way, since I was also talking about this Sunday, August 28th… (see how I made that subtle transition?)   We’re going to look at the story of Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus, this week.  Talk about a transformation!  Jesus brings transformation and salvation to Zacchaeus’ life.  It’s a cool story about the life-changing work of the most fantastic person who has ever lived.  Hope you can be here this Sunday, too.  (Come on, what are you possibly going to do that could be better than being at church this Sunday?)

Um… I’m going to request that you don’t spend a lot of time thinking about that last question.



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