Wednesday, June 3, 2009

E-Flash From Dan, June 3, 2009

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Hey, whacha’ doin’ this Sunday?

Bull fighting in Madrid? Bungee jumping in Rio? BMX racing in L.A.?
(Reading a book in Oak Lawn?)

See, that’s my point. Whatever you’re doing, it probably won’t be near as interesting as what’s happening here at church. We have a special guest speaker coming to our church this Sunday, June 7th, at 5:30 p.m. His name is Rick Green. Rick is a successful author, former Texas State Representative, co-host of a daily radio talk show “Wall Builders Live!”, professional speaker, and former stunt double for Scott Baio on “Joanie Loves Chachi”.

. . . Alright, I’m just kidding about the stunt double line, but all the rest of it is true.

Rick will be doing his talk on “America’s Religious Roots”. What were the intentions of America’s founders regarding the role of religion and morality in government and the civil arena? What did our Founding Fathers actually write and say about the matter? Rick will be giving us a tremendous amount of interesting, helpful information in regard to those questions.

He’s a great speaker. Funny. Interesting. Insightful. Challenging.

And Rick is going to do a Q&A time with the audience following his talk. I’m really excited about this portion of the evening because I believe some of us will have questions about his subject matter and this will be an opportunity for us to dialogue with a person who is an expert on the these issues.

We still have tickets available and there will be tickets available at the door Sunday night. The tickets are $5.00 and we are only selling tickets in order to help pay for Rick’s expenses, not to make a profit on the event.

I’m looking forward to seeing you there!



P.S. Also, this Sunday morning at 9 am & 11 am, we have a wonderfully gifted speaker who loves God. I can’t mention his name because of legal copyright issues but his initials are D.M. He has grey hair and an odd, overly active imagination. The title of my . . . oops, I mean “his” talk is: “What Not To Do . . . What To Do”, from Ephesians 4:31&32. Can you think of someone you could invite? Come on, take a risk!

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