Tuesday, September 2, 2008

E-Flash From Dan, September 2, 2008

Dear E-Flash Friends;

While I was buying an iced tea, yesterday, I had an impromptu chance to invite an acquaintance to our Fall Kick Off services, which begin this week (Sept. 7th).

She said, “You know what? I might just show up.”

I said, “That would be great!”

Then, she told me that she had recently been kicked out of her church. (I’m pretty sure she was joking.)

I told her, “Don’t worry about that. I’ve been kicked out of my church three or four times now, but I just keep coming back.”

We both laughed and then she called over two big guys and they walked me out of the establishment. Apparently, my sense of humor has a very narrow appeal.

Just wanted to remind you that our big “Fall Kick Off” is coming this weekend! I’m excited. I hope you are, too. We’re starting a new series titled: “What Creates A Unique Life?”

Surveys consistently reveal that the majority of Americans identify themselves as “Christians”, even as “born again Christians”. And, yet that seems puzzling to some of us because the attitudes and behaviors and beliefs of many people don’t seem to reflect a commitment to God and His influence in their lives.

Interestingly, further research has revealed that in addition to identifying oneself as a Christian, there are some fairly simple, but very important biblical beliefs that help to determine whether a person’s life gives evidence of God’s presence and influence.

People who claim to be Christians but do not hold these beliefs, in general, do not appear to live life in way that is much different than unbelievers. On the other hand, people who claim to be Christians but DO hold these key beliefs, in general, live lives that are different, changed, unique—not perfect, for sure, but more Christ-like.

Our fall kick off series will be investigating these biblical beliefs and values that are important to creating a unique life—in other words, an authentic Christian life. I believe this will be an interesting, helpful, challenging, encouraging series for all who come.

Can you think of someone you could invite? Would you pray about the matter and then take the risk of making an invitation? Would you pray that God will bless us and that he will use us to bear fruit through our church?

I’m grateful to be able to partner with you in ministry.

Thanks and God bless,


P.S. We are having a prayer service for our Fall Kick off, with a time of worship, on Saturday, September 6th, at 7 pm. I hope you can come and worship and pray with us that God will move powerfully and mightily in our church, in the coming year.

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