Thursday, August 21, 2008

E-Flash From Dan, Aug. 21, 2008

Dear E-Flash Friends;

What makes a unique life? What are the factors that will make your life everything that it’s supposed to be?

Here’s a related question: What beliefs and values distinguish Christians whose lives seem no different than unbelievers, from Christians who’s lives are truly different and marked by God?

Are you curious?

Good. That’s what we will be talking about starting on Sunday, September 7th, 2008, at our Fall Kick-Off service. We’ll start a new 7-week series that day, titled: “What Makes A Unique Life?” I really hope you’re planning to be here. And I want to encourage you to invite someone to the fall kick-off. Can you think of someone for whom you could pray? Someone you could invite?

I believe we could pack the church on this day and start our new ministry season with excitement and effectiveness and, most of all, glory to God! If we will all invite someone, it will be an incredible day. It could be a day of new spiritual beginnings for many, as well. It would be so cool to be a part of God’s work in that way, wouldn’t it?

We have lots of invitation cards at the church. If that would help you to invite others, please feel free to take a bunch and hand them out.

You say, “Dan, I know a lot of people I could give those cards to, you don’t have enough of them.”

Oh yes we do. Keep handing them out and we’ll keep printing up more!

Our church has a calling to help hurting people find and walk with God. (I keep finding that there is no shortage of hurting people.) I trust that you agree with me that it’s a high honor for us to serve Him and help people come to know the truth and saving grace of Christ.

I’m looking forward to September!!!



P.S. By the way, the message for this Sunday (Aug. 24th) is going to be very interesting. We’re going to be talking about “judging” others and the idea that some people think that Christians are “too judgmental”. We’ve probably all heard that complaint before, right? Well, we’re going to talk about some of the realities of judging and judgment and the true and not-so-true baggage that comes with those words. I think it’s going to be very challenging and helpful teaching. Why not invite someone this Sunday . . . in a way that seems very kind and non-judgmental?

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