Friday, May 9, 2008

E-Flash From Dan, Re: Mother's Day 2008

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Imagine going for an ultra sound and during the procedure you hear the technician say, “Wow!?! That’s strange.”

A little bit concerned you ask, “What? What is it?”

The technician responds, “I’ve never seen this before.”

Now, you’re starting to feel a little bit of panic, “What are you seeing? What’s wrong?”

And the technician says, “It’s not anything wrong, it’s just that . . . well . . . I don’t know how to say this, but . . . your child is God.”

After a brief fainting spell, you wake up and realize it was all just a crazy dream. So, you chuckle and then make a quick trip to the bakery to get some Angel Food cake.

I’m bringing this up, because I’d like to encourage us to consider what it must have felt like for a young girl named Mary to hear this strange and perplexing and flattering and scary and utterly unique message from an angel: “Oh, by the way, you’re baby is the Savior and long awaited Messiah, the specially anointed King who will rule FOREVER. He is conceived in you by the Holy Spirit and he is the Holy one. So, that’s all I needed to tell you, I’ll see you later!”

It’s the Greatest Challenge Any Mom Ever Faced, and that’s what we’ll be talking about this Mother’s Day, May 11th.

I invite you to join us and hope that you can bring your mom to church. We will honor the moms and tell them how much we love them. We’ll laugh, we’ll cry, we’ll reminisce, and then we’ll start the service and it will get even better, still.

Mother’s Day 2008: “The Greatest Challenge Any Mom Ever Faced”

God bless and see you Sunday!


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