Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Day 2 at the Revival

My compadres and I arrived at Hughes Memorial Auditorium, Asbury University, at 8:15 am today, Tuesday. Our second day at a revival service that has been happening for almost one week, non-stop. (Chris and Len now prefer to be referred to as "compadres." I know it’s weird but I don't question it anymore.)

There were probably 300 people, or so, present when we arrived. I suspect that number had more than doubled by the time we left, 2 hours later. In an auditorium that seats around 1,500 people it feels like a small crowd. (Except when everyone is singing.)

The morning time was, for the most part, quiet and reverent. In the first few moments we were there I was struck by how ordinary and unspectacular this was. If you were trying to create a special event–I have been to many impressive Christian events–it is very unlikely this is what you would create. But there is a God factor that defies human planning and tactics. I smile when I think about that reality. 

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

In our morning time at the revival space, at times, it felt like I was having a quiet, private devotional time with the Lord except it was happening with many others who were having a private devotional time, too. That's not a great description of it but it's the best I can do for now.

Once again, I had a strong sense of Christian community with those who were gathered. We love Jesus. We were all present together at this time, in this place—a divine appointment—because of Jesus. I felt great compassion for this auditorium populated with strangers who also happen to be my brothers and sisters in Christ.

We are one in Christ. (At least, we’re supposed to be. Right?)

During our morning time I noticed my mind had a tendency to wander. (Okay, that’s not the first time I noticed this tendency.) But when I became aware of it the Holy Spirit would gently bring my mind back to the Lord Jesus. 

As I watched some people praying at the altar the realization hit me that some of them were specifically coming before God in brokenness and pain. I am grateful our Lord cares about those who are broken and hurting. 

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3

Take heart! There will be a day when the Almighty will put everything right. 

It was time for us to get going and I found, once again, I did not want to leave. But life outside the revival service continues. 

This thought occurred to me: Will revival continue and expand in such a way that it has significant impact on our society? Is that where this is going?

Of course, I do not know the answer to that question. But I think it’s good to be prayerful and hopeful.

It seems reasonable to expect a spirit of joy and hope would be part of revival. Right? As we drive home, I am joyful and I am hopeful. 

God is in control…and that’s how it should be.

#AsburyRevival #AsburyUniversity #revival 


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