Wednesday, January 18, 2023

I was thinking about blessings

I WAS THINKING, TODAY, about a few things for which I am grateful. This is not an exhaustive list–and it is not presented in order of importance–it is just a list of tremendous blessings that came to mind:

God’s unfailing love;

Salvation and eternal life;

A beautiful, patient, loving wife;

A beautiful family in whom my heart delights;

Wonderful, joyful, life-giving relationships/friendships God has brought into my life;

The church, in the universal sense;

The local church in Oak Lawn, which is gracious, faithful, generous, kind and loving;

Loving Christian parents;

God’s faithful provision. Sometimes, as I look back, His provision has seemed to be miraculous;

The authentic joy God brings to my heart;

The reality of prayer;

God’s much-needed forgiveness and grace;

A country to live in which offers tremendous freedom and opportunity;

Good health (for the most part);

Gifts and abilities (including tremendous ninja skills);

A sense of humor (hey…I  frequently amuse myself even if others don't find my antics to be very funny);

Pets that bring incredible fun, happiness and companionship to my life;

The gift of music; and

The fact that I haven’t lost my latest drone yet. (It’s been 3 months. That’s a record for me.)

Again, this is not a complete list. It simply details some things that came to my mind while I was walking today. As these thoughts were occurring I experienced a deep—almost emotional—sense of gratitude. I am a blessed man…blessed beyond what I deserve. 

I give thanks to the Lord, the Giver of all good things.

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”

Psalm 107:1



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