Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Fine dining and cheeseburgers

 If you go to a very fancy restaurant and order a cheeseburger people sadly shake their heads and say, “Oh my goodness! What a crude, tacky and uncivilized fellow he is! Mercy, I’m close to getting the vapors!”

 But I know that secretly, everyone in the place is jealous when the cheeseburger is served. I see them looking at it, longingly.

 …And by the way, they want some of my fries, as well, but now it might just be too late.

 Excerpt from my upcoming book: “Rules for Fine Dining with Dan.”

Monday, November 2, 2020

He would have been 100 years old today

My brother sent me a text which reminded me that my dad would have been 100 years old today if he was still alive. I hadn’t done the math.

It seems hard to believe. But one of the strange realities of the passing of time—for me, at least—is that it is so reliable and constant and, yet, for some odd reason continues to be almost sneaky in the way it surprises me.

My dad was a very regular guy in many ways but he was and will always be a hero to me. He overcame obstacles and disadvantages that would have defeated many others…and that is, honestly, not an exaggeration.

He was incredibly hard working and responsible. He was strong physically and emotionally. He provided for others from the time he was about 14 years old until the very end of his life. He was not highly educated (one of the many disadvantages) and yet he was smart and wise. When it came to mechanical aptitude I think he may have been close to genius. (I could tell stories about this incredible aptitude but the really good ones are embarrassing to me.)

He loved to laugh and tell stories and then laugh some more. One of the great joys of my life was making him laugh, which occasionally happened when I was trying to be serious.

Although I referred to him as a regular guy, he lived an extraordinarily full and interesting life dodging many bullets, literally and figuratively, along the way.

One of the ways God can bless a person has to do with the people He arranges to be a part of our lives. One of God’s greatest blessings to me was my father.

I’m glad I will be able to see him again. In fact, in the sneaky way that time works, it will be fairly soon.


LUTHER J. MARLER, Nov. 2, 1920 – March 7, 2010