Saturday, October 3, 2020

Look for the kindness

I was blessed to witness a very nice act of kindness today. It was simple but it was also meaningful to the people who were involved. It wasn’t the type of action that anyone would have expected. The kindness did not have to happen.

But fortunately, it did.

When I saw it, I smiled. And this thought came to my mind regarding the person who extended the kindness: “Well done.”

I wanted to tell the young man, “God saw what you did.”

But I let it remain between the parties.

I’m posting about the matter here because I want to remind you and I want to remind me that this is part of the crazy world we live in, too. It’s not all negative, ugly, mean-spirited, and disheartening selfishness. There are people who are joyfully, intentionally, regularly making it their business to be helpful, kind, gracious, faithful and thoughtful.

Look for the kindness. Perhaps it’s not as prevalent as we wish, but it’s there.

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