Saturday, March 31, 2012

Story Time With Vic Baransky

Vic shares the story of Dan getting his book signed by Chuck Norris.

                   Click here for video!


Can We Trust Our Minds?

Here is an interesting line of thinking which casts doubt on the trustworthiness of our minds if naturalism is true and there is no God…

“Can we trust our minds if we’re merely products of naturalistic evolution trying to fight, feed, flee, and reproduce? Darwin himself was deeply troubled by this: ‘With me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man’s mind, which has been developed from the mind of the lower animals, are of any value or at all trustworthy. Would any one trust in the convictions of a monkey’s mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?’” – Paul Copan, Passionate Conviction

Friday, March 30, 2012

Being Liberated By Admitting The Truth

It can be hard to admit the truth about ourselves, but in a way it’s liberating. Before we admit that we need God, we are basically on a program of trying to make everything right and earn our way to heaven on our own. That’s a heavy burden to bear. When we admit the truth, we’re liberated from trying to be our own Savior. Now the conditions are right for us to look to the real Savior.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What's Coming This Sunday, April 1, 2012? -- Audio Podcast

Brief podcast with Vic and I sharing details about the services this Sunday, April 1st.

                Click here for audio!


God Deserves Our Worship And Praise

When you pray, do you typically spend some time telling God: “Lord, you’re great.  I honor you, Lord.  You are good and mighty and powerful and merciful and just and gracious and true and wonderful.  I love you, Lord!  You are awe-inspiring!”  Those types of expressions are part of why we pray because God deserves our worship and praise.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Are You An Eager Apprentice?

A concept that can help us understand what it means to be a disciple is that of the master and the apprentice.  When we become a disciple of Jesus we have become an apprentice to Jesus.  We study Him and learn His approach to life.  We follow Him even to the point of imitating Him.  Do you see yourself as the eager, young apprentice?  Do you see Jesus as your wise and skilled Master?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Being Content In Any Situation

In the book of Philippians chapter 4, the Apostle Paul writes about being content in any type of situation.  If the circumstances of our lives dictate our contentment then sometimes we will be content and sometimes we won’t.  If we find contentment in the help and strength of our ever-present God then, like Paul, we can be content no matter what comes our way.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Great New Breakthrough! The Doritos Locos Taco

Taco Bell now offers a taco that features a taco shell made with Doritos!  (That sound you hear is me laughing joyously.) This breakthrough is being viewed by all of the internationally renowned gourmet chefs that I know as a significant culinary advancement.

The item is called the Doritos Locos Taco.  Several of us had the Doritos taco at Taco Bell for lunch today and I don’t think you’ll be surprised to learn that we found it to be nutritious and tasty.  Amazingly, this food item is so healthy that it actually burns calories as you eat it.  Additionally, the Doritos Locos Taco improves cardio vascular circulation and heart function… and it gives your skin a healthy glow.

I recommend that you go right out to the Bell—the Drive Thru offers late night hours—eat 5 or 6 of the Doritos Locos Tacos and enjoy the tremendous health benefits it will bring to you.

(NOTE:  I know, it’s refreshing to get some practical, common sense health advice for once, isn’t it?)

The Road To Authentic Happiness

God’s primary objective is not to make us happy—it’s to increasingly transform us into the likeness of Christ for the sake of His glory.  However, as we become more like Christ we will experience joy and meaning and fulfillment.  So, ultimately, a benefit of being more like Christ will be, in the long term sense, authentic happiness.

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Message From Vic Baransky About Easter - Video

                     Click here for video!


The One In Whom Our Faith Rests

Our faith does not depend on our strength of will or our ability to exercise powerful levels of trust, our faith has more to do with the reliability of the one in whom our faith rests.  “It is not the greatness of our faith, but the greatness of God, which counts.” Alister McGrath

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What If You Weren't Expecting Easter...But It Happened Anyhow? - Video

                        Click here for video!


Better Get Busy

“So the question is: How long do you need to practice in order to achieve excellence? Extensive research, it turns out, has come up with a very specific answer to that question: from art to science and from board games to tennis, it has been found that a minimum of ten years is required to reach world-class status in any complex task.” –Matthew Syed. Want to be truly excellent at something? Better get busy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

To Be Exalted By God Must Be A Very Good Thing

Jesus says that those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted. (See Luke 18:14)  How, specifically, will a person be lifted by up God?  I don’t know for sure but Jesus definitely intended for us to understand it as something very, very good. To be exalted by God will be a very positive thing.  I’m interested! How about you?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Truth Is Found In God

The attempt to understand truth points to God because understanding truth involves seeking answers to fundamental questions.  At the root of the most fundamental questions of our existence is God.  It goes back to God.  In fact, truth is found in God.  “I am the way and the truth and the life…” –Jesus, John 14:6.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Genuine Humility And Truth Telling

Genuine humility—the kind the Bible commends—is highly dependent upon truth telling.  When we honestly recognize and acknowledge the truth about who we are and the truth about who God is, that understanding will tend to produce in us authentic humility.

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's A Cake Walk -- Guitar Instrumental

This is an instrumental piece that came to mind during some vigorous dental flossing.  I wrote and recorded it a short time later. I added pictures of my family so there would be something to look at while you listen.

                     Click here for video!

What Is The Most Amazing Miracle Recorded In The Bible?

“It is by far the most amazing miracle of the entire Bible—far more amazing than the resurrection and more amazing even than the creation of the universe.  The fact that the infinite, omnipotent, eternal Son of God could become man and join himself to human nature forever….will remain for eternity the most profound miracle and the most profound mystery in all the universe.” --Theologian, Wayne Grudem

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Do We Expect God To Be Involved In Our Lives?

Came across this interesting thought recently: it’s helpful and important “to set one’s mind to the place where there is always an expectation that God will be involved and creative and active…[this mindset] can make all the difference between vibrancy and dullness in the life of faith.” –Adrian Plass. Do we really expect God to be active and involved in our lives? It’s a good question.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Some People Do Not Want To Believe

There were people who stood in the physical presence of Jesus after He had been crucified and had risen back to life.  He was right there with them.  They could see Him.  They could hear His voice.  They could reach out and touch Him.  And, yet, they still doubted.  This reminds me that sometimes—for reasons we may not understand—people simply do not want to believe.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Podcast for March 13, 2012

I talk with Vic about strange weather and living in the moment.

              Click here for all the fun!


Thankfully, God Is Merciful

I have done things in my life, many times, that are a violation of God and His ways.  That’s why knowing of His patience and grace and His willingness to forgive are such important truths to me.  The Bible says, “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.” Ps.103:8  Whew!  Thank you, Lord, for being merciful to someone like me!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Honor Those Who Came Before Us

There are many who came before us who have made it possible for us to live the lives that we live.  The realization of this truth prompts a wise and honest person to respect and honor parents and grandparents and the countless others who have worked and risked and sacrificed to provide a life for us.

Friday, March 9, 2012

E-Flash From Dan -- Set Clocks Ahead One Hour

Dear E-Flash Friends;

You know what happens this weekend, right?

You don’t?  Okay, here’s a hint: It happens late Saturday night/early Sunday morning.

Now do you know?

If you mentioned something about me and Double Stuff Oreos you’ve made a good point, but that’s not what I’m getting at.

It’s the time change weekend!  Yep, this weekend we set the clocks ahead one hour.  Or, if you’re one of those folks who happens to be late all the time, try setting it ahead an hour and 20 minutes, or so.

I thought a little reminder might be helpful.

Also, we will be looking at Galatians 3:26-29 at the services on Sunday morning and talking about being children of God through faith in Christ.  Do you know how wonderful it is to be a child of God?  Well, come this Sunday and find out.  You will be blessed.  And having slept for one less hour you will have that heightened sense of awareness and alertness that happens when you are up and at it and don’t get too much sleep!

(See how I turned that into a positive?)

We will also be celebrating Communion at church this Sunday.  I mention that so we will think about Jesus and all that He’s done for us and we will come with grateful, sensitive, focused hearts.

See you then!



Thursday, March 8, 2012

How Would God Communicate?

“…If God created us and has a purpose for us and wanted to communicate it to us, what method might he use? Many people seem to think that he will give us vague feelings about him….I think he would probably use language.  After all, he made us to be language users.”  [Quote by philosopher Gregory Ganssle making a case for the Bible.] 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why Was The Law Given? -- Audio Podcast

                    Click here for audio!


Ask Questions And Really Listen

We sometimes make assumptions about other people based on our beliefs, opinions, surface-level impressions and hunches without the benefit of honest, open, first-hand communication.  It would be helpful if, instead of quick assumptions, we tried this: ask questions and really listen.

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Power Greater Than Any Addiction

Addictions don’t just involve drugs and alcohol, we all know that people can be addicted to food, sex, gambling and more.  Furthermore, a person could be addicted to unhealthy attitudes of the heart such as jealousy, anger and hatred.  Fortunately, there is a power that is greater than the power of any addiction.  That power is found in Christ.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

We Probably Won't Change Anyone

When we enter into relationships thinking “I’ll change this person”—even if we mean well—we run the risk of being presumptuous, arrogant, unfair and possibly even dishonest.  And, there’s a very high likelihood that we are, also, mistaken.  In other words, the truth is: we probably will not change the person.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Seek God's Wisdom

The Bible says, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God.” 1Cor.3:19.  God’s brilliance and knowledge and wisdom is so far beyond our finite human intellect that the combination of all the wisdom in this world looks silly in comparison to the omniscience of the Almighty Lord.  (This is why it’s a really good idea to earnestly SEEK His wisdom.)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Davy Jones, The Monkees, And Being Cool

I was in 3rd grade when the Monkees TV show first aired.  Watching the show I immediately knew this much: the Monkees were cool!  How did I know they were cool?  Because they were on TV and because all the other kids in my class acknowledged that the Monkees were cool.

Like the other boys my age, I wanted to dress like the Monkees.  Wanted to wear my hair like the Monkees.  (My mom wouldn’t let me.  “Boys don’t wear their hair like girls.”)  Wanted to be in a band like the Monkees.  I hadn’t started piano lessons, yet, but somehow I already suspected that wasn’t going to do it. 

A year or so later—in 4th grade—as I was referring to the cool-ness of the Monkees, one of my classmates informed me that I didn’t “get it.” 

“Are you kidding, Marler?” I was told, “The Monkees aren’t cool!  That’s for little kids.”

“They aren’t cool?  Really?”


Apparently, a band had to be much edgier than the Monkees to be cool.  I have no idea who or what qualified as edgier and cooler when I was in 4th grade, but I knew that I had committed a serious cultural faux pas and accidentally revealed my decidedly un-hip musical tastes.

Oh well, life went on.

I’m in my 50’s now and, like so many others, was saddened to hear about the passing of Davy Jones.  Frankly, it doesn’t matter to me whether the Monkees are (or were) cool, or not.  I liked their music then and I still like some of it now.

R.I.P., Davy Jones, Dec. 1945 – Feb. 2012.

Be Cautious And Humble When Giving Advice

Sometimes people seek to advise others about deep and mysterious aspects of our relationship with God and their advice involves things these persons have never experienced, firsthand. They often mean well, but it’s helpful to be cautious, prudent and very humble when we attempt to advise others about difficult issues in which we have no experience.