Friday, January 28, 2011

E-Flash From Dan -- Religion Is Healthy?

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Every now and then I like to simply pass along some interesting information through the E-Flashes that we mail and post on-line.  That’s the purpose of this E-Flash.

Some of you know that I read a lot.  I am providing below one of the most interesting passages that I’ve read in a while.  The book from which I’m quoting is particularly interesting because of this twist: it is an intellectually powerful DEFENSE of religion written by…ready?...written by….an atheist!  In fact, the book is titled: “An Atheist Defends Religion”.  I know, the whole premise of the book raises other questions, but I don’t have the time or space to deal with them here.  What I want to provide, however, is the interesting passage.

Here it is:

"…[N]ow we have tangible research results demonstrating the health benefits of religion.  The gold standard of atheistic truth—empirical evidence—leaves few doubts that religion is good for the health of the individual and society as a whole.

Being an atheist myself, at one point I was also inclined to discount the value of religion in mental health.  Like other atheists, I defiantly asserted that believers could not possibly be any happier than nonbelievers (all other things being equal).  Understandably, all atheists want to believe we are just as mentally healthy as religionists….[However], a scientific approach would be to look objectively at the believer population compared to nonbelievers and statistically assess their attitudinal and physiological differences.  And when we do those calculations—in the form of analyzing hundreds of studies conducted over several decades across all ages, races, and socioeconomic strata—the preponderance of evidence shows that people who believe in God are healthier—mentally, emotionally, and physically.  No matter how discomfiting it may be to atheists, the empirical conclusion is that people who only believe in a scientific materialist worldview are less fulfilled than those who believe in divine reality."
--Bruce Sheiman, An Atheist Defends Religion

Okay, now that I think of it, I do have one other purpose for sending out this E-Flash and that is to invite you to church this Sunday, January 30th.  We’ll be looking at a passage of scripture from Colossians chapter 3 that contains a surprisingly significant challenge for those of us who walk with Christ.  I really hope you can make it!  And maybe we could even think of someone to invite.  I believe that at the deepest place in our hearts, we all want to know God and connect with Him.  And I honestly believe that can happen for people at church this Sunday.

Hope to see you then!!!

Love and blessings,


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