Monday, October 25, 2010

E-Flash From Dan -- Costume Edition

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Tonight, Rachel gave Nadia and I permission to buy her a new Trunk or Treat costume.  That sure was nice of her, wasn’t it?

So after supper, we drove to the local Walmart and checked out the Halloween department.  It was crowded.  I guess that’s bound to be the case on the week of Halloween.  In fact, at one point, a couple of kids began chasing each other around with some kind of spray-on Halloween make up and I was almost caught in the crossfire.  I barely escaped with my usual lustrous hue.

In the meantime, Nadia and Rachel soberly considered several different costumes.  Rachel has gotten a little too big for the “girls” costumes but many of the “women’s” costumes are…well… they’re a bit racy.  (The “racy” ones were NOT up for consideration.)  So, some time was spent looking and deliberating. 

To be properly outfitted for Trunk or Treat requires careful analysis, you know.  But it finally came down to a decision between some Fairy-type character and a clown outfit.  The fairy costume included wings and that’s a definite attraction.  But there’s a costume spray that temporarily turns your hair a bright red color and I think that may have helped cinch it for the clown outfit.

Come on, when it comes to making an impact with an outfit, bright red hair is hard to resist!  We all know that, right?

As we walked to the check out counter, I told Rachel, “Hey, I might use some of the red hair coloring, myself.  That would be fun, huh?”

She said, “No.”

I said, “Just for a joke.  You know, just to get a few laughs.  It washes out.”

Now Rachel…AND Nadia both said, “No!”

I said, “People have a good time with that kind of joking around.”

Then they pointed off behind me and acted like they saw someone we know.  I turned around and no one was there.  When I turned back, they were gone.

This happens two or three times a week.  I always find them…after I walk home.

Sheesh, why can’t a guy have a little fun, once in a while?

(*NOTE to readers:  Shhh, don’t mention this, but I’m usually out the door early on Sunday mornings before they can stop me, so, you never know.  Imagine the spiritual impact that can be had when a guy is preaching with bright red hair.  To be honest, I’m surprised Billy Graham never tried it.)

So folks…don’t forget: Friday night, 7pm, Trunk or Treat!  It’s going to be a ball!  (It’s fun, even if you have your regular hair color.)

Also, don’t forget:  Sunday morning 9 and 11 am.  The message is titled:  “Rescued From The Kingdom of Darkness” (I didn’t even think about the fact that Sunday is Halloween day when I came up with the title of the message a couple of months ago.)  It’s based on Colossians 1:13&14.

See you then.  Hope you have a great week!


Dan Marler

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