Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What A Day!

The bank sign that you see in this picture is about 2 blocks from my house.  I don’t know if you can see the temperature that’s indicated on the bank sign, or not.  I know the image is a little bit faint, but, if you can see it you will notice that it indicates a temperature of 81 degrees!

Yes, you read that right.  Today is March 31st and it’s 81 degrees!!!!  Whoo Hooo!

According to the historical data provided on the Weather Channel web site, the average high temperature for Oak Lawn, Illinois on March 31st is 53 degrees.  It is 28 degrees higher than normal.  (See?  You do use math after you get out of school.)

What we have on our hands is a sunny day with a temperature of 81 degrees!  My friend Kevin (who follows the weather closely, like I do) sent me a message at 5:30 this morning telling me that we were going to have a beautiful day.  And, boy, was he right!

The meteorological term for this weather is:  “Awesome!!!”  And in the scientific literature that term is often followed by the word “dude”. 

(This is especially true if the author of the scientific literature does a lot of surfing.)

By the way, I’m sitting in my office typing this notice.  So, we finally have the long-awaited final confirmation that, yes, I am nuts!  What am I doing in my office?!?

Actually, correct that.  I’m leaving this office and I’m getting up and going outside….


….…Okay, I’m back.  I’m now sitting outside in the church courtyard finishing this note on my laptop.  And if that’s what I think it is that just landed on my head, then a flock of birds must be flying over head.

You know, some days, I just can’t win.

……But it is still AWESOME outside!    ..…Dude!

Real Courage Requires God's Help

My lack of courage was brought to my attention recently. It became obvious to me in the midst of a conversation with others. Courage isn’t easy, that’s one of the reasons why it is so deeply respected. Trying to be a leader and a true man or woman of God with genuine, fearless integrity is a challenge.  We are very much in need of God’s help, aren’t we?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Go Ahead And Laugh...It's Good For You

What is one of the healthiest things you or I could do today? Answer: Laugh.  Laughter really is good for us, physically and emotionally. Research at the Univ. of Maryland Med. Ctr. indicates that laughter is good for us, physically & psychologically.  Find a reason to laugh today. If you have to, make up a reason to laugh today.  If all else fails…just smile a lot.  Hey, it’s a start. “A cheerful heart is good medicine…”—Proverbs17:22

Monday, March 29, 2010

Honest Self Evaluation Is A Good Thing

When the Bible calls us to “examine” ourselves, it is not recommending self-condemnation, it is calling for an honest self evaluation for the purpose of confession, understanding, forgiveness, thanksgiving, and reliance on God.  This is not intended to be something negative, rather it is intended to assist us in positive movement toward growth in becoming more Christ-like.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Test...How Many?

Approximately one time each week—as part of my push-up work-out—I do a test to determine the maximum number of push-ups I can execute, non-stop, with proper form.  (I know, the level of excitement in my life is frighteningly low.)  I did that test tonight and the number was…..

Drum roll, please…..

Here it is….

I’m not kidding around, now….

Really, this is it…..

Thirty-eight push-ups!  Alright, sure, that’s a heck of a long way from 100 push-ups (the goal).  But when I started this routine I could only do about 20 proper push-ups, so “38” is progress.  I’m getting there.  I started the push-up routine in 1986, so, admittedly, the progress is slow, but, hey, progress is progress, right?

To reward myself for this progress, I’m going to Dairy Queen with Nadia and Rachel in just a few minutes and I’m going to eat a large triple banana split with extra chocolate syrup!  I’ve heard that dark chocolate is actually an extremely healthy food.  It’s loaded with anti-oxidants.  So, this is sort of like a cleansing and purifying ritual for my body.

Yeah…that’s right.  Sure.  Yep, this is like having a special health food concoction.  In the long run, this triple banana split with the extra chocolate syrup will probably BURN calories and cause me to lose weight.  You know what I mean?  In fact, now I’m getting nervous.  I hope this Dairy Queen treat doesn’t cause me to drop too much weight, too quickly.  That wouldn’t be healthy.

I’m glad you are all following this air-tight logic.  Because it makes perfect sense to me.

Okay, that’s my report.  Gotta’ run!

[*NOTE:  I’m just kidding, Paul.  We’re not going to Dairy Queen.  Actually, I had a salad for supper tonight.  Really.  I did.  See what a good boy I am?  ….I’ll tell you this, though, it’s amazing how much better lettuce tastes with chocolate syrup.]

That's right, your eyes are not 
deceiving you.  I'm doing one arm
push-ups the way Bruce Lee used
to do them.  Notice how helpful
Jasper is with this type of activity.

Watch Out For Pride

I heard a Bible teacher say this recently: “The more you think God needs you, the less He will use you.” Why? Because God opposes pride in us.  So, when we develop PRIDE in our relationship with God or PRIDE in the gifts He has given us—like, “Boy, God really needs me and my gifts to do something big!”—then God is more likely to just use someone else.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Playing It Safe? Or Making An Impact?

“I want two things that are mutually opposed—I want to live a nice little life, and I want to play an important role in God’s kingdom.” –John Eldredge.  To anyone who truly wants to play an important role in God’s kingdom…good! But remember, playing it safe and having all potential problems eliminated in advance won’t be possible. It involves a lot of trusting God…in the moment.

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Doctor Visit

I was being checked out by my doctor today and in the course of the exam, he said, “So, how are you feeling?”

I said, “I’m feeling good.  I’m feeling strong.”  And then, I told him, “Oh, by the way, I’m working with a guy at my church who is a personal trainer and he’s helping me train so that I can do 100 push-ups.”

My doctor had been looking down writing in my chart but when I mentioned ‘100 push-ups’ he looked up quickly with a startled expression on his face.  “Really?” he said.

(I should have told him that when the youth in our church do an impersonation of me that’s how they do it.  They say, “Really?!?”…in a very exaggerated manner—fairly similar to the way he just said it to me.  But I didn’t.)

“Yeah,” I told him, “I’m still relatively early in the training process, but I’m going to do 100 push-ups.”

At first, he had a puzzled look on his face, but then he broke into a big grin.  And then, he started laughing.  And he continued laughing harder and harder.  After a while, he stood up and walked out of the examination room, holding his stomach and laughing all the way.

….You know what?  I’m taking that as a hearty and enthusiastic “YES!” from my doctor.

Yep, I’m feeling strong!

This isn't really a picture of my doctor.
This is Dr. Leo Spaceman from the
show "30 Rock".  I thought it might
be best not to include a real picture
of my doctor.  He's shy.

Let's Be Sure To Notice The "Good Things" In Life

Good things happen to us…oh, I know, bad things happen, too, sometimes…but there are many good things, we are blessed.  Are you SAVORING the good things? In other words, are you noticing and enjoying the blessings? “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances…” 1Thess.5:18.  What’s the point of “good things” if we don’t notice them or appreciate them?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Speaking Of "Spiritual Depth"

Spiritual depth isn’t necessarily a matter of great “intellectual” challenge, rather, it has to do with being significantly challenged in a very personal and profound way to DO the right things that we are not naturally inclined to do. For example, “serving” people we are not naturally inclined toward serving isn’t difficult to understand intellectually, but it can be difficult to DO…it is a manifestation of spiritual depth.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Do You Recognize That You Are A Recipient Of Grace?

It's possible that people might have a hard time extending grace to others because they don’t seem to be able to see their own SIGNIFICANT need for grace. They manage to recognize that others are in deep need of grace, but the reality of their need, somehow, escapes them. Could you or I be one of those who does not see? “Lord, help us to recognize how much we NEED grace and, so, help us be generous givers of grace.”

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Northbound In The Southbound Lanes

“What’s holding up the traffic?!?”  I said, out loud, to no one in particular.  It seems like every time we take Taylor back to school we get stuck in traffic right around this same area on Interstate 65.  “What is it, this time?”  I wondered.

Rachel was sleeping, so she did not respond to my questions.

Taylor was sleeping, so he did not respond to my questions.

Nadia was awake.  But she’s learned to simply allow me to talk to myself.  That’s when some of my most amusing conversations occur.

I was complaining to Nadia and offering suggestions for what I thought might be causing the traffic congestion, as we inched along the highway, moving a few feet and then stopping completely for a while.  I used to commute to work on the suburban Chicago interstate highways every day, so I’ve often experienced traffic problems, but I don’t know if anyone ever gets to the point that heavy traffic congestion doesn’t bother them.

In fact, some of the folks at my church have told me that their most un-Christian behavior is often evoked during traffic jams.  (I might just schedule a special “confession” time related specifically to transgressions committed while driving.  I don’t know, yet, I’m thinking about it.  I bet you’re thinking: “That Dan, sure knows how to have a good time.” Huh?)  Congested traffic can definitely test the patience.

After about 30 minutes of terrible traffic conditions, I heard a rumbling sound and saw a large tractor trailer truck driving in our direction.  Are you getting this?  He was driving northbound on our southbound side of the highway!  He was driving on the shoulder of the road and considering the amazing danger in what he was doing, he was actually driving very quickly.  I would estimate that he was moving at 40 to 50 miles per hour.  Again, he was on the shoulder of the southbound lanes, driving northbound at a fairly high speed!

I said, “Look at this!  This guy is crazy!”  And because of his rate of speed he went past us and was gone pretty quickly.

Taylor momentarily stirred from his sleep, “What’s going on?”

I said, “A truck was coming in our direction on the wrong side of the highway at about 50 miles per hour!”

“Oh,” he said and drifted back to sleep.

“It was wild!” I exclaimed. “Our very lives were in peril!  I’m not kidding!”

But a soft, contented snoring persisted.

Shortly after the crazy truck passed us, the traffic slowly began to pick up and soon we were driving along at regular highway speeds once again.  It was a quick moment of strangeness and excitement and then just as quickly, we returned to normal.

“Well, you don’t see that very often,” I said.  And, stirred up by that unusual event, I had a very amusing conversation with myself for the remainder of the trip to Anderson.  They all slept…but, well, that’s part of the return to normal.

Who Is The Moral Authority Of My Life?

Some people have a worldview that understands “individual freedom” to be the highest value.  If my individual freedom is the highest value, then I become the primary moral authority in my life.  If I say something is “right” then it’s right.  If I say something is “wrong” then it’s wrong.  It seems obvious to me that this is not only untrue but that it would lead to, perhaps, 1 or 2 problems.

Monday, March 22, 2010

What Do You Really Believe About Eternity?

I was challenged: “If Christians think heaven is such a wonderful place, how come it seems like so few Christians are really eager to get to heaven, is it possible that they’re more attracted to life on earth?” I’ve confronted this question before & most of you have, too. But, it stopped me cold recently. I thought to myself: Hey, what do I really believe? It’s an important question. What do YOU really believe?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Try To Imagine...

Try to imagine this: What did it feel like for Jesus—when He was young—to gradually come to the understanding that He was God? What an incredible, stunning, mind-blowing realization to dawn on a person.  On second thought, I guess it’s beyond our ability to imagine. But it amazes me, anyhow.  “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Luke 2:52

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Strength And Courage That Are Required For "Trust"

“There is more power in sharing our weaknesses than in sharing our strengths.” [Brennan Manning]  In order to share our weaknesses, we have to trust that God’s grace is real in others and that it is sufficient. Are you willing to trust? This requires far more courage and strength than hiding our weaknesses and wearing masks.

Friday, March 19, 2010

When Something Good Goes Bad

If a person comes to believe that he doesn’t need Jesus anymore because a reliance on Christ is for those who are weak and uneducated and not very sophisticated and “not quite with it”, then what we may have, is an example of something good—intelligence and education—leading to a deceptive and destructive form of pride. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom….” Proverbs 9:10

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Getting Past "Deception"

Once we can get past “self-deception” and recognize something for “what it really is”, the most important and most radical shift has occurred.  When deception is happening, the key issue—the difficult issue—is to recognize the deception. After that, the road ahead may still be difficult, sure, but now the forward progress is occurring with the clear standard of truth having been established.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

God Sees The Bigger Picture

We have a persistent tendency to think “here and now”. We want only good things to happen to us—that’s understandable—and we want them to happen HERE and NOW. But God always sees from a broader, totally inclusive, fully informed, ETERNAL perspective. This makes a lot of what happens, difficult for us to understand. But God is always in control and He always has a purpose.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Aiming Higher!

When we measure ourselves against ourselves or even against other persons, we are, usually, aiming too low.  Our standard of thought and attitude and behavior is the Lord Jesus Christ.  “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…” Heb.12:2  …Now that’s aiming high!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Are You "In Control" Of Things?

Fear happens, in part, because we want the security of being “in control”.  But the simple fact is that we can never be completely “in control”. That option is not available to us in life. (I know, it’s disappointing, isn’t it?) To know God and to walk with him is to know the One who truly is “in control”. He is the source of peace and contentment for which we are searching.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Push-Up Project: Uh Oh...What Happened?

It’s been a very hectic week for me, as many of you know.  My dad’s wake and funeral were held at our church, so there were a number of details for which I was responsible.  But I was still engaging in my push-up workout.  I have a goal of being able to do 100 non-stop push-ups.

Hey, try it sometime.  That’s a lot of push-ups.  And if you saw me you’d probably say, “That guy?  Come on.  One hundred push-ups by that guy!?!”  But that’s why I like this project.  It’s out there just far enough that it’s not technically impossible.  But it’s a stretch.

On Monday and Wednesday I did my regular push-up workout and then on Thursday morning, when I awoke, I felt a sharp pain in my back.  I thought, “Uh oh, that’s not good.”  My medical diagnostic insights are incredible, huh?

Did I sleep in a bad position?  Have I not been warming up properly and, therefore, hurt something?  (When you get older, the “warm up” portion of a workout gets more and more important.  Oh yeah, go ahead and laugh you younger guys.  But just wait.  The clock is marching on for you punks, too.)  I wondered if perhaps what I was experiencing was, somehow, related to stress.  I still don’t know the answer to those questions, but I know that my back was hurting.

So, Thursday morning, I was at the church early.  I had some work to do and there were several details regarding the wake which needed attention.  The wake would start at 2 pm for the family and continue until 9 pm.  It was going to be a very long day and I knew I would be on my feet greeting guests at the service for hours.  But as the day continued, you know what?  My back seemed to feel fine.

Thursday did turn out to be a very long and exhausting day.  When my head hit the pillow at close to midnight on Thursday evening I was incredibly tired and ready for a good night’s sleep.  But that didn’t happen.  At about 4 am on Friday morning, I awoke with the sharp pain in my back again and the pain was so intense I couldn’t fall back to sleep.  “What’s going on?”  I thought.  “What have I done?”  I prayed, “Lord, I need your help.”

I took a couple of Aleve tablets and by 7:30 on Friday morning when I was at the church getting ready for the funeral service, I didn’t notice any pain.  I would normally do a push up workout on Friday morning but I decided to give my back a rest that day.  Friday is the most intense day in the workout schedule and I assumed that whatever was going on with my back could possibly be made worse by doing the workout.  So, I gave it a rest.

I won’t go into all the details but take my word for it, Friday was a loooooong day.  In fact, I’m going to do an Internet search and see if some strange planetary event happened and Friday actually lasted 28 hours, or so, instead of 24…it was long.  But I didn’t notice any back pain.

On Saturday I awoke and did not notice any pain.  In fact, on Saturday, I did a few push-ups just to see how it would feel and there were no problems.  In fact, I felt good.  “Hmm,” I thought, “That’s encouraging.”  But I allowed my back to rest again on Saturday.

So, here I am on Sunday night.  This is the night where I do as many push-ups as I can to see what kind of progress is happening.  Previously, my maximum was 28 push-ups.  But despite the pain a couple of days ago, I feel pretty good.

I warm up, and then assume the push-up position….

Thirty-two push-ups!  ….And no pain.

I know, I know, it’s a long way from 100 but I’m making progress.  When I started this project I could do about 20 push-ups with proper form.  Now, I’m at 32.  I’m getting there.  It might take a while, but I feel a sense of confidence.  I feel strong.  Earlier today I bent a steel bar in half.  I did two back-flips on my way to church this morning.  I passed a motorist with a flat tire and he didn’t have a jack.  I lifted up the back end of his car while he changed the tire.  Someone punched me in the stomach today and he’s in the hospital right now with a broken wrist and several crushed bones in his hand.  Several mixed martial arts champions came to my house this afternoon to bully me—they do that from time to time—and I slapped them around and sent them on their way crying like wimpy little babies….

[ Long pause] ….Alright, none of that is true.  But Olympic athletes visualize extraordinary achievement, so I was just doing some of my daydreaming in written text.

Oh wait…the 32 push-ups?  That part is true.  Progress.

The back is feeling great.  Just
watch this:  "Wait...Oh no...

The Greatest And Most Meaningful Life We Can Live

Sometimes, it’s hard for people to understand that following Christ does not involve giving up a fun life.  Actually, following Christ involves the greatest and most meaningful life we can live.  To see this truth, however, requires a mature understanding of the value of relationships and a grasp of the importance of things which last as opposed to that which is temporary.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

God Is Showing Us Something

Sometimes God is making us wait and asking us to be persistent in prayer because that persistent prayer shows that we’re serious and sincere about what we’re requesting. You say, “Doesn’t God know before we even ask if we’re really serious and sincere about what we’re requesting?” Yes, He does.  It’s not to show God that we’re really serious and sincere about it, it’s to show us.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Those Who Love To Talk...Those Who Love To Post

“The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” Proverbs 18:21. As I read this, I noticed that it was directed toward “those who love to talk”. Did you catch that part? Does this verse slightly concern anyone else, or is it just me? If…“those who love to POST on blogs” is a present-day equivalent of “those who love to talk” I’m going to need to be much more careful.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

God's Kingdom Alive And Real, Here And Now

In a way, the goal of the Christian life is not just to “get into heaven”, but rather, to “get heaven into” us.  In other words, our hope is that the truth of God’s kingdom will be alive and real in us right here and right now.  And as a result, the people with whom we come in contact should get a glimpse of the reality and the glory of kingdom living.  “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth…” and in me.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This Question Is Worth Thinking About: What Is Really Important?

What is really important? Is that a question you think about…a lot?  You say, “Well, I’m busy.  I don’t have time to sit around pondering those kinds of questions.” But the busier you are and the more limited and precious your time is, the more critical the question becomes. It is worth knowing “what is really important” and then, with God’s help, living consistently with that reality.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Good Kind Of Grieving

There will be grief in this world, it is unavoidable.  However, we can grieve with a sense of despair or we can grieve with a sense of hope.  My family and I grieve with a sense a hope because Jesus has vanquished death.  Also, we can grieve ALONE or we can grieve with the love and care and support of others.  I am so thankful to all of my friends, your love brings great help & comfort to my heart!

Monday, March 8, 2010

E-Flash from Dan, Re: Luther Marler

Dear E-Flash Friends;

One of the most important persons in my life passed away, last evening, my father, Luther Marler.  My dad was, sort of, a Character in many ways.  (You’ll notice I spelled “character” with a capital “C”…that was intentional.)  If you knew him, you know what I mean.  If you didn’t know him, it would be hard for me to explain it.  To some of my family and close friends, he seemed a little larger than life and, he even seemed…indestructible.  One of our family’s friends even referred to him as a “legend” in a comment posted on-line.  He was definitely a legend to me.

He cheated death a number of times—including on the front lines of battle in WWII—and he squeezed a tremendous amount of LIFE into his 89 years.  It’s possible that he may have gotten 109 or 110 years worth of actual living into his 89 chronological years of life.  I think part of me wanted to believe that nothing would really ever stop him.  Of course, we know that cannot be the case.

It feels weird to think that he’s not here in this world anymore.  I guess my mind is still trying to process the reality that he’s gone.  I’d prefer not to process it, but when we don’t acknowledge reality it tends to work against us.

This is a note that I posted on Facebook and on my blog today…

Luther J. Marler, incredible father, story-teller, WWII hero, the most RESPONSIBLE person I’ve ever known, humorist, man of integrity, able to fix or repair anything, possessor of wisdom, dependable, optimist, wise-cracker, a man who spent his whole life taking care of others, follower of Christ. My world will never quite be the same without him in it. 1920-2010.

A Facebook status report only allows so many characters of text, so, I left out two other qualities that I wanted to include in that post:  “ironman” and “lover of music”.

My dad was a product of the WWII generation and when I was younger he was not inclined toward tender, affectionate words.  It seems like “real men” from that era were not comfortable communicating that way.  However, as my dad got older he became much more tender and he would frequently tell me how much he loved me—especially in the past couple of years.  In fact, I was surprised how expressive he was about it.

The last conversation I had with my dad ended with he and I expressing our love for each other.  As I think about that, now, I am so thankful to God that that’s how it happened.  That parting conversation is another gift to me from my Father in Heaven.

The wake for my dad will be Thursday, March 11th, from 3 to 9pm at the First Church of God, 4600 W. 111th St., in Oak Lawn.  The funeral services will be Friday, March 12th, at 10am, at the church.

We have received many expressions of love and sympathy and I am so grateful.  Your words have been tremendously comforting to me—more than you will ever know.  Thank you, your support during this time is an invaluable blessing to all of my family and to myself.

I love you all!

Oh, by the way, if your dad is still around, I’ve got a great idea…tell him that you love him.



Here's Luther with his daughter-in-
law Candi, and three of his grand-
daughters, Erin, Lindsey, & Carly.

Luther Marler...If You Didn't Know Him, I Wish You Could Have

Luther J. Marler:  incredible father, story-teller, WWII hero, the most RESPONSIBLE person I’ve ever known, humorist, man of integrity, able to fix or repair anything, possessor of wisdom, dependable, optimist, wise-cracker, a man who spent his whole life taking care of others, follower of Christ. My world will never quite be the same without him in it. 1920-2010.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

We Can Choose The Way We Think

“One of the most significant findings in psychology in the last twenty years is that individuals can choose they way they think.”—Seligman.  Hmm, we can choose the way we think, huh? “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Phil.4:8

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Be On "God's Side"

It is quite natural that we would want God to be “on our side”.  That can be a bit arrogant, though, if you think about it.  It is probably more realistic for us to make a sincere attempt to be ‘on His side”.  Read God’s word daily; be in prayer with Him honestly and frequently; worship with the body of Christ regularly; surrender to His will humbly; serve Him faithfully; love Him whole-heartedly.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Guess What? All People Have Faith

All people have faith. In other words, all people have some fundamental beliefs—which represent the first principles of their world view—that cannot be proven. They presume these beliefs to be true. This is an act of faith, whether they have identified it as such, or not. So, the question is not: Do you have faith? Rather, the question is: In what do you have faith? I recommend God…but that’s just me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

To Whom Are You Connected?

Considerable research confirms a simple but very important truth: we are significantly influenced in many different ways—including even aspects of life like physical health—by the people to whom we are connected. Are the people to whom you are connected likely to influence you in the way that’s best for you to go? [Scripture, speaking to the church] “Let us not give up meeting together…” Heb.10:25

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Cell Phone Tale...Really

Last fall, we changed cell phone plans and Nadia came home with these fancy new cell phones.  I mean they could do it all…texting, pictures, music.  I accidentally left my phone at home one day, when I got back…it had painted the house.  That’s how incredible these new phones are!

When she first brought the phones home, I was like, “…Yeah, whatever.  They’re nice.  That’s cool, but it doesn’t matter to me.”  In fact, at the time, part of me would prefer not have a cell phone.  I don’t necessarily like being available to people all the time.  (Actually, there aren’t that many people who are dying to reach me, but just pretend to accept that last sentence at face value.)

But you know what?  Then I started texting, and taking pictures with the phone, and posting things on line.  And very quickly…well, I’m a little embarrassed…but very quickly, I got to where I really liked it.  In fact, I loved my new phone.

Around Christmas, I was walking in the door at my sister-in-law’s house and I was carrying a bunch of things, including my phone and a large cup of iced tea.  And in a strange fluke of an accident, I dropped my phone and it fell right into the iced tea!

I was heart broken.  Electronic gadgets don’t do well when they’re submerged in liquids.  (You knew that already, didn’t you?)  My phone was dead.  That phone that initially I didn’t care that much about…?  Now, I loved it.  Now I was sad and crying.

We used a blow dryer on it. 
Nope, it was dead. 

We buried it in rice because that’s what people told me to do.
Nope, it was dead.

We gave it a paint brush and tried to coax it into doing some painting.
Nope, it was dead.

Finally, I took it to the phone store and told the guy, “I dropped it in a cup of iced tea.”

He said, “You’re not supposed to do that.”

I said…“Really?”  
(That’s my famous response to everything… “Really?”)

Anyhow, for a fee, they replaced the phone and I was happy again. 

But wait, then my brand new phone—the new replacement phone—began to have some problems.  So, I took it in last week to the phone store.  And the guy at the phone store looked at it and he said, “Oh yeah, I’m familiar with this model.”  Laughing, he said, “We had this dumb guy in here back in December who dropped one of these into a cup of iced tea.  Can you believe it?"

And I said…“Really?”

Today, the “new replacement” of the “first replacement phone” came in and I went to the phone store so they could…I don’t know…do their thing that they had to do.  (I hope I didn’t lose anyone with that sophisticated technical description.)

They transferred all of my contacts and pictures, etc. over to the new replacement of the first replacement phone.  And the guy at the phone store said, “Take care of this one, I don’t think we’ll be able to get you another one.”

I said, “No problem.  I’m really careful with my phone.”

But I don’t think he believed me…really.

The Good News Is...We Don't Save Ourselves

Isn’t it great to know that we don’t save ourselves? I do not like the thought that my eternal destiny would depend on me & what I do. With my track record, that’s not a comforting thought—it is not what I would call Good News. The Good News is that Jesus has done it. Jesus has already provided salvation. The work is DONE. It is liberating to simply accept the salvation that Jesus freely offers.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Trusting God And Stepping Out In Faith

God wants us to trust Him so completely that we will step out and follow Him even though He doesn’t make it totally clear, in advance, where we are going. In a way, this can seem like a somewhat foolish concept but actually it’s the simple concept of “faith”. “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place…obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” Hebrews11:8

Monday, March 1, 2010

Do People Worship Idols?

When I was young, I used to think that God’s commandment against idolatry was sort of silly and unnecessary. “Gee whiz, no one worships idols,” I thought. I hadn’t lived much, at that point. (Can you tell?) Now I’m older and I’ve come to realize how easy it really is to value and desire other things over God. “You shall have no other Gods before me.” Exodus 20:3.