Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Getting The Basics Right Rather Than Chasing The Latest Trendy Approach

It’s very possible that most of the people who read this do not realize how much advice is now available from “experts” to people who serve as professionals in church ministry. There is a constant and seemingly endless flow of books, articles, conferences and research which purports to help those in ministry do their work more effectively.

Ironically, some of the helpful advice is contradictory. (Which makes it decidedly less helpful.)

If the advice of the experts is contradictory then what are we supposed to do?

(That’s a rhetorical question. I’m not expecting an answer. It’s pretty typical for me to ask myself questions which go unanswered all throughout the day.)

I’m not opposed to getting advice from experts and learning from others—in fact, this type of information has been helpful to me over the years—but as I get older I find I’m less interested in discovering the latest trendy approach to ministry and more interested in trying to be obedient to God regarding the basic fundamentals of being a church. 

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