Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Unpopular Opinions

In our culture certain ideas or viewpoints are popular and other ideas or viewpoints are unpopular. There is nothing new about this reality it is part of what occurs in any society. What concerns me, however, is that we currently seem to be developing a climate in our culture in which the unpopular ideas are not allowed to be expressed. If you hold certain beliefs it is understood that you need to be quiet. There are indications we are moving in a direction in which people should not be allowed to even think certain unpopular ideas.

When centers of influence within the culture want to control what we think and say then we are moving toward totalitarianism. This is dangerous, unhealthy and oppressive. It’s also a serious pain in the neck!

Is this really what we want?

I encounter many viewpoints with which I disagree. In fact, I can even find myself getting agitated by some of the viewpoints I encounter on Facebook or other online forums. Occasionally I read posts and find myself thinking: “Are you kidding? Is this actually your point of view on this topic? This is ridiculous!!!”

After all, when a person’s opinion is so drastically different from my own it seems incredibly obvious, to me, that my opinion is the correct one. You all agree with this airtight logic, right?

However, I believe it is important to defend the right of people to think and express their ideas, including unpopular ideas. It would be nice if people would express their ideas respectfully and thoughtfully. The Bible calls us to speak lovingly. But the freedom to think and communicate ideas—even ones with which I disagree—is important. It is an extraordinary value which is worth protecting.

I may not agree with your viewpoint but I support your right to think it and express it.

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