Wednesday, July 2, 2014

What About The Pants On The Ground?

I was walking into a store past a motorcycle parking area and I saw a motorcycle.  That did not strike me as unusual.  But on the ground, next to the motorcycle, was a pair of pants.  That did strike me as unusual… and a little bit amusing.

Did someone take off his pants before he went into the store?

Was he walking around the store, right now, without his pants?

Should I go into the store and have them make an announcement?

I imagined the loud speaker in store:  “Would the pant-less owner of a pair of green pants please report to the customer service desk?  Your pants have been found.”

I realize finding a pair of pants on the ground probably doesn’t amuse everyone else as much as it amuses me, but sometimes it’s the little things that bring a smile to my lips and a brief moment of joy.  So, I pulled out my phone and stood there taking a picture of the pants.

As I was doing this a man walked past, saw the pants on the ground, saw me taking a picture of the pants and said, “Is everything alright?”

I looked up, slightly embarrassed, and said, “Yeah, I’m okay.  I’m just taking a picture of these pants.”

He stared at me with a look that I would describe as a “this-guy-must-be-a-weirdo” expression on his face and walked quickly away.

I did not ask the store management to make a “your-pants-have-been-found” announcement.  I figured if the pant-less guy has made it this far he must have things under control.

(…Or the police have already picked him up.)

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