Friday, July 25, 2014

From Morning News To SpongeBob?

While I was having breakfast this morning I flipped around the TV dial to a couple of morning news shows. 
Three different “news” stories—within the course of about 10 minutes—made me frustrated and dejected.  Part of my sadness had to do with the actual stories.  And part of my sadness had to do with the sorry state of what is supposed to be “objective news reporting.”

So, I decided:  “Hold on!  There’s a better way of handling this situation.”

I switched the channel to a riveting episode of SpongeBob Squarepants.  And you know what?  I feel more cheerful, I’ve had a good chuckle, and I sense I’m even a little better informed than I would be if I had stayed with the “professional journalists.”

Maybe it’s just me, but I’m also beginning to notice some interesting similarities between Washington, D.C. and Bikini Bottom.

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