Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Learning To Savor Life

Life goes quickly.  So, we need to savor and appreciate the priceless relationships and experiences that money cannot buy.

We all know this to be true. 

Yet we often get caught up in the busy routines, the hurry, and the practice of juggling multiple experiences without genuinely paying significant attention to any of them.  When this happens, it’s almost as if we miss portions of our lives even though we were physically present as they happened.

(Have you ever missed experiences by being physically present but not mentally and emotionally present?  …Yeah, me too.)

I’ve struggled with this just like everyone else, but here are four things that have helped me a bit over the years:

Remember that it’s okay to say “no” to some of the requests for our time that come up.  I don’t do this well, but I’m getting better.  (Not a lot better, but a little bit.)

When we are faced with a choice between cool stuff (material things) and meaningful experiences, it’s usually wise to make meaningful experiences the priority.

It helps when I regularly enter into quiet, stillness and solitude with God.

Finally, when you’re with someone, really look at the person.  Pay attention to him/her.  Be fully present with him/her.  (I know this is blindingly obvious.  But we don’t always do it.  So, it must not be quite as obvious as we think it is.)

By the way, please know that I’m not trying to preach at anyone, I’m just sharing some thoughts I hope will spark our thinking and, maybe, offer a little help.

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