Monday, November 16, 2009

The On-Going Saga Of Jasper And The Squirrels

The squirrels in our backyard love to tease our dog, Jasper. He chases them and they run back and forth along the top of the fence. It seems so dangerous, sometimes they look like they’re about to slip and fall off the fence. I can’t understand why a squirrel would play around like that. Why take that risk unless you’re really enjoying it? So, I really think they’re teasing him.

You can almost see a smile on the squirrel’s face. If you listen closely, you can almost hear faint, high-pitched squirrel laughter. They’re having a ball.

You say, “Dan, for crying out loud, do you really think a squirrel intentionally teases a dog?  Gee whiz, do you believe those squirrels know what they’re doing?”

Well, I might have been skeptical about the squirrels teasing Jasper, until I spotted their latest tactic. You can see it in the picture. The squirrels in our backyard have started wearing masks. (One of the squirrels even has a tiny Darth Vader costume that he wears. I couldn’t get a picture of him, he darted inside a small mock-up of the “Death Star”.)

To those who think it’s unlikely that a squirrel could tease a dog, I ask you: If a squirrel is smart enough to wear a mask to try to confuse Jasper, isn’t it likely that they’re smart enough to understand that they’re teasing him by running along the top of the fence?

Needless to say, with this un-doctored photo as evidence, I believe I can rest my case.

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