Monday, November 2, 2009

I Can't Stay Awake Any Longer. I'm Sorry, Goodnight!

Last night I stayed up until later than 2:30 am. That’s WAY, WAY past my usual bedtime. It’s WAY past!

Rachel was having a medical test this morning that requires her to stay up all night, as part of the preparation for the test. So, she and Nadia pulled an all-nighter and somehow I got caught up in the excitement of it all and stayed up late. At various points chocolate was being served.

It was weird because at 11:30 pm I was very tired and wanted to go to bed but Nadia was taking a nap and so I was forcing myself to stay up, to make sure Rachel didn’t fall asleep.  And then, later on, I got the “second wind” and didn’t feel tired—I was watching guitar instructional videos on YouTube—that’s when I noticed that it was 2:30 am! I’m reminded that chocolate has caffeine. And honesty compels me to admit that chocolate wasn’t actually being “served”, it would be more accurate to say that I was eating some chocolate.

I mention all that to say that I got about 4 hours of sleep last night and so today I have felt strange all day.

Someone is saying, “Dan, if you think you FEEL strange, you should see how strange you LOOK!”

There’s always a wise guy in the crowd.

The strange feelings started when I got up this morning and was scrolling through some text on the computer and as the text was scrolling I felt like I was falling down. I’m not kidding. As the text was scrolling I felt like I was moving. Is that normal? I’ve never felt that before. Actually, I’m getting a little bit dizzy looking at the screen right now, as I’m typing.

You know what? I’m going to be surprised tomorrow morning when I wake up, to see if I’ve really written this post, or not.


Sorry, I fell asleep for a moment there and my head hit the “w” key.

You know what’s stranger still? When I’m really crazy tired, I often have trouble falling asleep. So, it’s going to be a sad twist of fate when I go to bed in a few moments—that’s assuming that I’m not sleeping right now and this is a dream—if I can’t fall asleep.

I mentioned this sleep issue to a friend and asked for suggestions and he said, “Hey, if you’re having trouble falling asleep, put your laptop by your bed, go on-line, and listen to one of your sermons, that always works for me! Ha! Ha!”

There’s always a wise guy in the crowd.

Prayer:  “Lord, are you interested in the minor details of our lives? The Bible indicates that you are. Help me fall asleep tonight….Oh, and by the way, help keep people awake at 9am and 11am on Sundays. Amen.”


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