Thursday, January 22, 2015

Understanding What Courage Is

Sometimes people take a bold, emphatic, public stance regarding a matter and act as if they are being courageous. And yet the position for which they are taking their stance is actually a fairly popular position. If this is the case, their bold, emphatic, public stance is not a genuine act of courage.

Yes, the person is standing up for his/her beliefs and that may be commendable. I’m simply pointing out that if the belief is fairly popular then the stance does not represent a great act of courage. Doing popular things and supporting popular issues is not an example of courage.

When a person takes a bold, emphatic, public stance on a position which is unpopular, however, that is different. Now, we are talking courage. Please understand, I’m not even suggesting that this unpopular stance means the person is correct. It depends on what the person is standing for. I’m simply pointing out a distinction regarding our understanding of courage that doesn’t always seem to be recognized, these days.

If we’re going to talk about courage, let’s at least understand what it is. Making a big show by standing for something popular does not require courage. Standing for something which is unpopular is what requires courage.

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