Sunday, January 25, 2015

I Could Have Had A Crown

One of the young women who works at the Burger King in this photo approached me when I was standing near the beverage counter. She picked up some empty food wrappers and a cardboard crown that had been carelessly left on the counter. 

Then she said, “I know who left this stuff here.”

I didn’t even know for sure whether she was talking to me, or not.  She was not looking in my direction.  But I went ahead and responded to her, “You do?”

I was concerned she was going to accuse me of making a mess for her to clean up.

She said, “Yeah, it was that group of teenagers who just left.”

Somewhat relieved, I said, “Oh.”

She said, “And they don’t even need crowns.”

I said, “Yeah, I guess that’s true.”

She said, “Do you want a crown?”

It’s been such a long time since I’ve been asked whether or not I want a crown that I was flattered. But I said, “No. I’m alright. I’ll pass.”

She shrugged her shoulders, said “okay,” and tossed it in the trash.

Now, I’m regretting that decision. I sort of wish I had a snappy looking crown to wear.

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