Monday, March 24, 2014

We Know God Exists

Deep down in our heart of hearts we know God exists.  We know this because He has revealed Himself to us in several ways if we are willing to see.

When I write that He has revealed Himself I mean, for example, the universe came into existence and, ultimately, the only two options are that it came into existence as a result of random chance plus time or as the purposeful action of some type of powerful intelligence.

Time plus random chance, however, can never produce information.  An intellect, of some type, is always required to produce information.  Time and random chance can produce patterns, such as the ripple patterns we see in the sand.  But if we are walking along the beach, look down, and see “Dan loves Nadia” carved in the sand we know with complete certainty an intelligence of some kind produced that message which is conveying information.

With that in mind, consider that every living cell contains volumes of “information.”  They do not contain random data, they contain huge amounts of actual information.  Time plus random chance cannot do this.  If we will be completely honest with ourselves we know this to be true.

God has revealed Himself if we are willing to see.

So, the Bible contains a statement like this:  “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” Psalm 14:1

Someone might read this post and say, “You see, this is what I hate about guys like you, Dan, you always have to be antagonistic with this God stuff!”

Please know it is genuinely not my desire to be antagonistic.  I write this post to be thought-provoking.  To be frank, I am just a weak, flawed guy who looks around my world with a broken heart and a desire to see people find hope in acknowledging what they know to be true.

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