Thursday, March 13, 2014

Waking Up In Paradise

When I woke up yesterday morning I opened the shades, looked out the window and the scene you see in the photo is what I was gazing upon. 

I thought, “Yep, it’s great living in the Chicago suburbs because it’s almost like paradise here.”  Then I chuckled.  You know, the kind of chuckle that people emit when they’ve got it totally going on and all is right with the world.

Then I told Nadia, “I think I’ll get in a half an hour, or so, of jet skiing before breakfast.  You know how that limbers me up and gets me ready to face the day.”

She said, “All I know is this: it’s thrilling for me to be living this extraordinary life with you, man of my dreams.”

As I smiled I heard a strange buzzing sound.  It was almost imperceptible at first but it grew progressively louder until I suddenly sat up in bed, looked around, groggily and realized that I had been dreaming.  The rude buzzing sound was my alarm clock.

When I opened the shades and looked out the window that chuckle I mentioned earlier was gone.

Trying to make the best of the situation, I put on my swim trunks, ran outside, dove into a pile of snow, and began a swimming motion.  I learned, once again, that “wishful thinking” only goes so far.

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